How to Delegate IRIS Tokens with Rainbow Wallet (Testnet)

Awa Sun Yin
Cryptium Labs
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2019

In preparation for the Iris Network betanet launch, planned for Week 9 (from February 25th 2019), we have started to gain familiarity with the mobile client that the development team behind the IRISnet has released a few weeks ago: the Rainbow Wallet.

The purpose of the Rainbow Wallet is to make it easier for token holders to interact with the testnets, betanet (were transactions persist to the mainnet), be it for monitoring the network, execute transfers, or making delegations — without requiring experience with the command-line.

The Testnet Rainbow Wallet


View of the Testnet Rainbow Wallet on iPhone X

Note that the existing versions of Rainbow Wallet are still under development. You will need to enable developer mode on your smartphone to be able to install the developer versions of the wallet on iOS devices. I recommend looking into the risks of enabling developer mode on your device before installing unknown applications. The IRISnet team announced that the application is in the process of being available on the Google Play Store and the App Store.

  • You have an Android or iOS device (in this case we will test the Android version).
  • You are able to download and install the testnet Rainbow Wallet (
  • You have pen and paper ready to write down the mnemonic or seed words.
  • You do not need IRIS tokens. Since it’s a testnet, we will use tokens from the faucet. For the betanet (mainnet), the IRISnet team announced that there will be airdrops to Rainbow One new users.

Creating a Rainbow Wallet & Funding It with IRIS Tokens

  1. On your device, fire the Rainbow Wallet application. On the first screen, tap on Create Wallet.
  2. As the prompt shows, avoid screenshooting the seed words. With pen and paper, write down the seed words in order from left to right. You will need to write them down for the next step. When writing the seed words, make sure that the all the words are spelled exactly as they show on the screen.
Creating a wallet and backing up the mnemonic

3. In the next screen, select the words in the same order as you wrote them down to verify that they are correctly copied. After confirming the prompt, you will see the main view of your testnet Rainbow Wallet.

4. As this is interacting with the latest testnet and the mainnet has not yet launched, we will use faucet tokens. First, let’s find the public key or address of your IRISnet account. Next to the IRISnet logo, you will find an address that starts with f, by tapping on that area, you it will display the full address and a QR code. Copy this address (in betanet or mainnet, you should always double check that the address you copied is the right one).

5. On a browser, go to which is the current testnet faucet. On the text field, paste the address you copied from your wallet and click on Send me IRIS. You should receive 10 IRIS every time you repeat the process.

Finding your address on Rainbow Wallet

How to Delegate Your IRIS Tokens with Rainbow Wallet

  1. If you have received the faucet IRIS tokens, your balance will be updated.
  2. To make a delegation, tap on IRIS under the Available Assets label. In the next screen, on the bottom bar, tap “Delegate” and “View all Validators”. This will bring you to the list of available validators on the network, ranked by stake.
  3. For every validator, if you tap on then, you will see an additional screen with information about the validator.
  4. After comparing different validators and choosing your preferred one, in the information page after you scroll down, there’s the “Delegate” button, tap that to initiate a delegation.
Browsing and comparing validators

5. In the next screen, you will be able to set some parameters, such as the amount you want to delegate plus the fee you want to include. Once ready, tap on “Next”.

6. This last screen is a second chance to review the information before triggering the transaction. When ready, tap on “Confirm”.

Choosing the parameters of your IRIS delegation

7. Once delegation is successful, under your Delegation Records, you will find your newly made delegation to the chosen validator.

Successful delegation

8. A bonus feature is that the application will send notifications to the user about the status of the IRISnet.

Upcoming Articles on IRISnet

  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the IRISnet
  • How to Delegate IRIS Tokens with Rainbow Wallet (Betanet)

