How to Delegate Tezos XTZ with Galleon Wallet

Awa Sun Yin
Cryptium Labs
Published in
6 min readJul 26, 2018

Updated On: 04.11.2018

On the 1st of October, Cryptonomic’s Team released Version 0.3.0b of Galleon! As usual, I tried the MacOS version out and wrote this guideline. On my previous step-by-step guide on deleation via TezBox Wallet (How to Delegate Tezos XTZ with TezBox Online Wallet), I explained a little bit my concerns on online wallets, yet still think that for smaller holders, trying UI/UX oriented tools for delegation might be more convenient. However, I still recommend using hardware wallets or cold storages for keeping larger amounts.

Before getting started, just like my previous guideline on TezBox, I must say that this guideline was probably not necessary, as all these wallets are pretty intuitive. I still hope that it is helpful somehow to someone out there and that writing them allowed me to notice certain features or details that otherwise I would have overlooked.

Installing Galleon and Creating a Wallet

Installation on MacOS

  1. The official distributions can be found under this link:
  2. Download the version corresponding to your OS, MacOS in my case.
  3. Once it’s downloaded, open and drag the application to your application folder (as usual with MacOS apps).
  4. Open the Galleon App. You will get a warning as this application does not come from the App Store nor from a known developer. You will only be able to install it if you enable installation of this software by going to: System Preferences → Security & Privacy → General → Allow apps downloaded from → Galleon (this should show up after you tried to open the app)
  5. After successful installation:

I’ve checked the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (recommended to read):

Creating a New Galleon Wallet

  1. Click on Create New Wallet, which leads to the following screen:

I strongly suggest creating a password that is at least 64 characters long, with a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Store this password securely and in a reachable place you will need it regularly.

2. Click on Create Wallet File, which generates a .tezwallet file. You will need to open this file every time you restart the Galleon app. Creating a Wallet File is a feature that concerns me a bit, because it needs to be accessible and the safety of this file relies entirely on the user. The dev team has not yet released any guidelines on how to secure this file (see GitHub Issue: Inform people about backups). For now, I suggest keeping the file backed up and in a safe place. To continue click on Create Wallet. This leads to:

3. Fundraiser accounts are supported by Galleon, but in this case I selected Create New Account. For this step, make sure you’re in a place with privacy and that nobody can peek at your screen. You will see this window with 15 words. Write them down (careful with spelling and numering) and keep these words safe. Once done click in Next.

4. Confirming the seed words. It will request you confirm 4 out of the 15 words.

5. Create Account and all set!

Using the Galleon Wallet & Connecting to a Custom Node

Successful new account creation leads to:

By the way, under Settings you can choose what full node you are connected to. There is Conseil nodes, which are run and mantained by Cryptonomic Conseil and Tezos Nodes (Cryptonomic’s Nautilus and Blockscale).

But if you want to use another node, such as Cryptium you can choose to Add a custom node option in the drop-down-list:

NOTE: Add Custom Node is buggy, it will cause errors and you will need to restart Galleon (

Node name could be Cryptium Labs and URL

Being able to choose to what full node you connect to is a great feature to have. Not many people are aware of it, but there are some issues behind all light clients use the same full nodes (will write up an article about this soon).

Delegating with Galleon Wallet

  1. Fund your Galleon wallet, your deposit address looks like tz136characterstring36charstringchar. Once you have triggered the transaction, it might take some minutes until it’s included in the Tezos blockchain. Once you receive them, you will have a new balance as well as a transaction showing under your wallet history:

2. Add a Delegate (you will need to wait until your account is funded before you can click on it):

Paste here your favourite baker’s address. If you wish to delegate to Cryptium Bäckerei: tz1eEnQhbwf6trb8Q8mPb2RaPkNk2rN7BKi8

I always choose 0.0 for fees, but I’m not sure it works anymore. Once you’re done editing the Delegate Address, the Amount and have added your password:

3. Delegate and…

4. Wait for a bit, it needs to be included in the Tezos blockchain (note the “Retrieving new address…” message on the left navigation bar). Reload and you will see a new delegation on the left!

Voilà! ( ˘▽˘)っ♨

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