How to Store Your Tezos XTZ in Your Ledger Nano S and Delegate with Magnum Wallet

Awa Sun Yin
Cryptium Labs
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2019

As I have shown in my previous articles, there is no longer need to be familiar with the command line nor tezos-client, because hardware wallets are supported by major Tezos wallets.

If you own a Ledger Nano S, Tezos (XTZ), and your favourite wallet happens to be Magnum Wallet, you can store your funds in the hardware wallet and link it to a Magnum Wallet whenever you want to make transfers or delegations. This is a step-by-step article on how to, if you are not yet familiar with the process.

How to Delegate with Magnum Wallet and Ledger Nano S


As a rule of thumb, verify and do not trust. Check the website domains and app providers.

Before continuing, check that:

  • You have an official Ledger, and bought it from the official store Do not use second-hand Ledgers or buy them from unauthorised retailers, as they could’ve been compromised.
  • Your Ledger was not initialised beforehand. If it was and you still want to continue using it, re-initialise. Else, someone else might have access to your funds.
  • You have the Ledger Manager installed. Ledger Manager is a Chrome extension. You can find it on Chrome’s Web Store. Check that under the extension name it says offered by There have been extensions or apps that have tried to impersonate the original ones.
Offered by
  • The firmware of your ledger is up-to-date. If you’re updating the firmware now, note that your installed apps will be erased, and you will have to re-install them. Don’t worry, your funds remain, you just have to reinstall the wallets and you’ll have access to them as usual.
  • You have enough space the on device for installing the Tezos Wallet and you have the Tezos app installed:
Tezos Wallet app installed on Ledger Nano S
  • You have Chrome browser installed or a compatible browser, able to detect a hardware wallet when connected. For instance, I have not managed to get Safari to detect my connected wallet.

Create a New Magnum Wallet and Link Your Ledger Nano S

  1. After checking the previous steps, leave your Ledger Nano S connected and with the Tezos App open.
  2. On your web browser, go to (check that the domain is correct):
The homepage of Magnum Web Wallet

3. Click on “Import or Restore”. From the cryptocurrencies drop-down list, select Tezos (XTZ), then “Link Hardware Wallet” from the next list. Finally, select “Ledger Nano S” from the last list:

Link a Hardware Wallet to Magnum Wallet

4. (Optional) The default derivation path on Ledger is 44'/1729'/0'/0'. If you had created a set of keys using a different derivation path, you can importing by clicking on the icon next to the third list, which allows you to change the default derivation path:

Optionally Set a Custom Derivation Path

5. Create a password for your Magnum Wallet. This will be requested when your session times out on your browser, but it will not be required for re-linking your Hardware Wallet:

All set to import your Tezos account from Ledger Nano S

6. Click on “import”, then check your Ledger Nano S’ screen. You will have to press ✓ to proceed, it will also display the public key from your Ledger Tezos account:

7. After successfully importing the Tezos account, Magnum will automatically make you download a backup file in .txt file. As your funds are on your hardware wallet, I recommend that you delete it, unless you know how to keep this file safe.

Tezos Wallet on Magnum from linking your Ledger Nano S

Funding Your Wallet and Making a Delegation

The steps to funding and delegating with Magnum are the same as my previous article without linking the hardware wallet. The difference is that it will prompt you time to time to accept the transaction on your Ledger.

  1. On Magnum Wallet, you will find your TZ1 address on the top right corner. To fund this wallet, send XTZ to this address. Make sure you double-check the address before sending, else you might lose them forever.

2. Once your address has been funded, on Magnum wallet, go to the “Delegate” tab. Select a baker or enter your own. Make sure you have enough funds in this account, considering both network and origination fee, and the fact that you cannot leave an empty account behind. Once done, click on “Next”:

3. After checking the details, click on “confirm”. Now it will require that you verify your transaction with your Ledger, by pressing on the ✓. Unfortunately, at this point, the prompt does not allow you to verify the details on your Ledger:

4. Wait until the transaction gets included:

5. Success:

From now on, every time you check your account on Magnum, you should see your list of existing bakers at the bottom:

More Delegation Guides

