It’s Embarrassing How ETF is The Only Hope Bitcoin Has

What is the purpose of Bitcoin today?

Crypto 24/7


On a typical uneventful bear market day, crypto folk are surprised by the sudden 5% Bitcoin price jump. The digital gold wicked to $30,000, and people rejoiced. We had been wondering when the bull market was back. Was it finally the time?

A tweet by CoinTelegraph gave a hint about what the commotion was about.

However, before everyone had the time to celebrate (and save their short positions from getting liquidated), it was revealed that the news was fake. NO BITCOIN ETF approved. BTC price immediately retraced. Excited people who longed at the top got rekt.

The bear market then resumed solemnly.

The irony of what happened

While other people raged toward CoinTelegraph for the market manipulation, I stood in the background chilling. Not just because the market had just given me a good short entry,



Crypto 24/7

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