Can You Get Featured In Crypto Publications For Free?

Crypto A
crypto a
Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2020

Every project is looking for as much exposure as it can get, preferably, positive exposure. You can achieve presence in the media through a number of ways: the simplest one is to get a paid article; a bit more challenging option is to work on getting featured in the media free of charge. Is it possible? Absolutely!

What could be simpler: pick a media outlet, write an article and pay to get it out to the public. Quick and easy. However, it can get expensive and self-defeating! Paid releases are alright for getting out boastful articles about your company, but when it comes to native corporate advertising, there is little doubt that this path will lead to failure.

Increasing your media presence by negotiating with outlets is sure laborious, but it is the right path to take. You won’t be paying for publications, and your company’s media citation count will gradually rise. Naturally, it can only work out if such partnerships are mutually beneficial. This means that it is your responsibility to make reporters interested in your material, and it is actually easier than you may think. Journalists and bloggers are always on the lookout for quality content that will resonate with their audience. If you can provide them with it — they’ll be more than happy to oblige.

When we say “quality content” we mean interesting, useful material that resonates with their audience.

Cryptocurrency media outlets are no exception. They also need good content, so if you can provide expertise in one area or another (be it coding highly-specialized smart contracts, or trading coins to the point where you can make $100 into $1000 in a matter of days) — your insights will be valued enough to be published. If your project is going through an important event, this can also make for an interesting read.

How to start communicating with the media?

First things first, you have to figure out your target audience — make a list of outlets that you would like to work with. Surely you’ll include the biggest ones on the list, but if you’re not a well-known figure or the information you’re sharing is not sensational, it is silly to believe you’ll hit the bullseye right away. If you are just setting out on the path of a media personality, start low and slow.

Step two is to create a press portrait of your company, brand or personality. Your press portrait should give reports the basic information about your competence — don’t mail out your bio or a braggadocious list of achievements. Provable facts will get you going, fakery won’t cut it.

After the information is prepared, you can start reaching out to the media. Try to contact authors and contributors directly (this is the hardest part). You can do it through social media. If there is no other choice, use the contact section of the media outlet.

Important! Remember that you are dealing with mass media, they set the headlines, guidelines and deadlines. This means you won’t be able to simply brag about your company. On the other hand, original analytics will go a long way. If you want the media to have the time of day for you, there is no other choice but to budge.

Let’s take a look at a few examples:

Crypto-A commentary requested by Bitcryptonews
Crypto-A commentary requested by Coinidol
Article requested by Cryptoconsulting
Commentary for Business.FM

If your company is going through something very interesting, you can create a news hook out of that and mail it out as a press release. The juicier the hook the better effect it will have. To illustrate the point, this is how we handled spreading news about us. When Crypto-A received the Blockchain Life award that Crypto-A, we didn’t pay for publishing a single article, but we did mail out the press release. The result — multiple publications in Russian and international media:

The rule of thumb when dealing with the media is to ensure the partnership is mutually beneficial. If you’re not paying the outlets for publishing your content, make sure it’s so good they publish it anyway. To conclude this case study we would like to shotgun as many media outlets as you possibly can. This is the only way to get as many requests as possible, and it certainly beats badgering Forbes and Cointelegraph for months on end fruitlessly.

