Evolution of Finance by Darwin

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Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2020

The era of decentralized finance. The bitcoin era. It is here. It has already come.

Even if the real situation is not so bright, because in the natural environment, decentralized financial systems often turn out to be only so called decentralized. But with regard to the decade left behind, we can conclude with confidence: bitcoin and its like have not only successfully overcome the stage of “natural selection”, but have already begun to grow claws in order to compete with the traditional financial system for a place in the food chain on an equal footing in the future.

Confirmation of the above statement is the fact that, even despite the long legal uncertainty, the stigma of a “bubble” and pressure from adherents of the current financial model, cryptocurrencies have not disappeared, but have formed a rapidly developing market around them. Moreover, bitcoin has acquired the unspoken title of “digital gold” and has become one of those “safe havens” to which, during turbulence, capital flows in need of protection. If you need proof for this thesis, then pay attention to the recent large growth of the first cryptocurrency. It coincided with the release of the ten-day holiday and the subsequent (largest in five years) collapse of leading stocks and indices on Chinese stock exchanges.

Just as the advent of the Internet once pushed the development and transformation of business, so now — cryptography-based finance has burst into the life of modern society, clearly indicating that the evolution of finance did not end with the advent of electronic payments and Bank cards. This path is not a straight line! It’s more of a bumpy, winding road that runs along a cliff. To hope to follow it, thinking conservatively, is like pushing the world economy downhill with your own hands. Innovation is not always a bad thing.

Bitcoin has already changed the world! Cryptocurrencies are already firmly established in the life of modern society. And over time, their impact on the economy will only increase. Decide yourself. Some time ago the media was full of news that digital currencies were used only for drug trafficking and terrorist financing. However, even today, some States openly declare that they are developing their own currencies based on cryptography. China alone has already filed more than eighty patents in order to speed up the creation of its own coin. In Germany forty German banks have expressed their desire to engage in the provision of the crypto custodian services. What about the USA? They are also discussing the creation of a state cryptocurrency. What is it about? After all, the United States is even trying to slow down the creation of the Libra cryptocurrency, when they realized that they simply can’t allow a non-governmental organization to get hold of such a tool.

The evolution of Finance has already begun. And its launch was put back when the world first started thinking about the fact that the current financial system can be modified. And we are not necessarily talking about a complete shift from Fiat. It can also be an intermediate neutral model based on the strong characteristics of both systems. And many States understand this. That’s why they want to take this process into their own hands.

Do not forget that the weakening of the influence of the state currency in favor of any other (on its territory), is equivalent to defeat in the war. It is especially acute if your opponent currency is a “coin” that has no influence on the international political arena from some random businessman. This circumstance once again focuses attention on the competitive ability of cryptographic money. It forces some countries not only to recognize the potential hidden in them,but also to adopt them.

Cryptographic money and the market around it are rapidly changing the world. This is the DeFi era. The era of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

Source: https://hub.forklog.com/evolyutsiya-finansov-po-darvinu/

