More than ten years have passed since the launch of the bitcoin blockchain

Crypto A
crypto a
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2020

More than ten years have passed since the launch of the bitcoin blockchain. During this period, a whole market was formed around the first cryptocurrency, and then grew enormously, which, contrary to the opinions of opponents, continues developing today.

However, people say that there is always safety in numbers. So bitcoin, remaining the only existing cryptocurrency, would never have reached the level of popularity and trust that it has now, if not for the constant competition with other currencies that appeared later. After all, only the eternal confrontation that divided digital currencies into “bitcoin and altcoins” could contribute to the creation of a huge number of multi-profile services and solutions that became the basis for the subsequent development of this phenomenon and its growth to the level of a global competitive market.

In many ways, it is thanks to the enthusiasm of newcomers who tried to surpass the work of Satoshi Nakamoto and bring something of their own to the world of crypto-based currencies — bitcoin has not remained known only to a limited number of individuals, but has been reborn in the heart of an entire branch in the world of financial instruments. Thus, it is simply impossible to underestimate the importance of new initiatives! After all, they will be the foundation on which the subsequent development, and possibly transformation of the market that is familiar to each of us, will be built.

The marketing agency crypto-A — are those who believe that your ideas are what is already shaping the form which the cryptocurrency market will have tomorrow. It is your initiatives that will not only strengthen the position of crypto-based currencies in the eyes of the public, but also bring something to the world that in the future can become an integral part of the life of a modern person.

Halving will start in about ninety days. If you are thinking, trying to guess the most successful moment to launch your crypto project, then now is the time! Each of the previous “reward reductions” ended with an increase in the entire market. During the first halving, a bitcoin was worth $12.31. During the second — more than $650, after which it continued its rise to the current absolute maximum! Take advantage of this chance to make your project truly profitable!

Just as a tsunami begins with a small wave, any success begins with a simple idea and an unwavering desire to implement it. Therefore, don’t stand still! Raise the waves and now, confidently move towards the deserved success. Well, we are working in order to take you this way!

Sincerely yours, Crypto A.

