Want to get the highest score on IcoBench? Pay up!

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Published in
1 min readDec 5, 2019

Of course the IcoBench rating agency isn’t so bluntly asking for money to rate projects, but since recently the Bench has introduced a KYC fee. If you want the agency to verify your project’s team members — you have to fork over the money. Without KYC no project can receive the maximum rating…

What’s interesting is that there is no news on the IcoBench website about the new KYC fee — but there are flashy banners now with calls to undergo KYC to “increase conversions, prevent fraud, and increase client trust” (banners don’t mention it’s a paid service).

The price is communicated through a personal message after you’ve submitted a request. The price itself is no token price either as in the case of Foundico, for example, — IcoBench KYC costs 0.03 BTC per two team members.

During the cryptocurrency bull market IcoBench was one of the most respected ICO rating websites , but something changed by the end of 2018. First the agency experts began selling ratings (sometimes blackmailing projects, threatening to rate them 1–1–1 if they don’t pay up), and now the KYC procedure is a paid service…
Something’s clearly wrong here…

