Why ICO/IEO projects fail?

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Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2020

Over the several years we have spent in the crypto industry we got to meet all kinds of crypto enthusiasts: those with both outlandish, science fiction ideas as well as those that are very much grounded in reality. Sure, we have had our fair share of scams too, but all of it has helped us to come to a better understanding of why some projects go big while others bite the dust.

Inflated expectations

This is the bane of newcomers to the crypto market these days. Back in 2017 even the dumbest idea would get enthusiastically picked up by the crypto community, but today the situation is different.
Today’s investors are picky, weathered, and sceptical about giving anyone a single penny if the project doesn’t seem sound.

Low promotion budget, poor marketing

These days the size of your budget matters just as much as the way you allocate it when promoting your project. Multiple one-time infodumps about your project won’t yield much, no matter how big league your media outlet or influencer of choice is.

Going all-in on social media and referral program

In an effort to save money a lot of projects decide to promote themselves solely through social media and referral programs. We have always said and will continue to say that it is incredibly naïve to think that people with zero knowledge about the project will somehow find you on social media, join your pages in droves and bring investors with them.

To wrap it up we would like to add that the starting point for promoting any project is savvy management of all resources.

Source: https://hub.forklog.com/pochemu-provalivayutsya-ico-ieo-proekty/

