Crypto Against Humanity Weekly Update #1

Kyle Bryant
Crypto Against Humanity
2 min readJun 12, 2018

This week only — a 2 for 1 deal on updates.

Since this is our first official update, I have the pleasure of serving you two weeks of updates for one post. After the heady and immensely satisfying ETH Buenos Aires hackathon, our team began working on a few quality of life improvements before delving into deeper waters.

Week 1 (May 28 — June 1)

  • Began talks with Decentraland about possible integration
  • Integrated Google Analytics into our App, giving us cool charts like this:
  • Launched a server in São Paulo to improve website load times for our South American family ❤
  • Created Twitter and Medium accounts
  • Created an Organization Github and Trello board
  • Created an organization Email —
  • Had our fist post-hackathon team meeting over google hangouts

Week 2 (June 4 — June 8)

  • Contacted Cards Against Humanity — they were cool, but we do need to do a slight re-branding.
  • Implemented some backend caching of cards, making the site load faster
  • Added an about us page!
  • Created a landing page for our people without metamask
  • Fixed some UI Bugs
  • Began working on a roadmap for short term, medium term, and long term goals.

That’s a wrap for this week! We’re moving as quick as we can to bring this app to the main net. We’ll be sure to keep you updated in the meantime. See you next week, and Happy Pride to you all from Boston!

Follow us on twitter!

Add a white card on our site @!

Follow us on Medium!

Add issues and make contributions on our Github! (We’re 100% open source)

Email us —

Founders of Crypto Against Humanity

Thanks For Reading!

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