Crypto Angel partnership announcement

Crypto Angel
Crypto Angel
Published in
1 min readMar 27, 2018

Dear contributors,

We would like to let you know that over the last few days we have entered into collaboration with some of the most influential global brands covering the area of artificial intelligence research, thus achieving the objective of raising necessary funds for our further development.

The information on sold tokens and raised funds are available on our website and we wish to take this opportunity to invite you to obtain your tokens and get the bonus, if you haven’t done it so far.

Furthermore, it is our pleasure to inform you that we have entered into negotiations with several other global players, the results of which will be further communicated to you once the final agreement has officially been reached.

For more details visit our web site:



Crypto Angel
Crypto Angel

AI Platform, Designed To Enhance Human Thinking, Planing And Decision-Making Process