Review | The CRYPTOTAG

Crypto Authority
Crypto Authority
Published in
5 min readFeb 25, 2019

Hey guys, we are super excited this week as we got to review the CRYPTOTAG, which is used to secure your Recovery Seed, generated by your Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet.

Here’s a song to read to:

The ultimate place to store your recovery seed

The CRYPTOTAG is currently compatible with Hardware wallets such as Trezor, Ledger and KeepKey. If you have any of these Hardware Wallets, your device will have generated for you a recovery seed in case your device is lost, stolen or malfunctions, as a way to recover your lost Cryptocurrencies. This recover seed is either a 12 or 24-word Recovery Seed which you will have to store securely, as anyone with this Recovery Seed can gain access to your hard-earned Crypto! The convention is to write this 12 or 24 word Recovery Seed on a piece of paper that you will store securely; as saving it on any device with access to the internet (such as your laptop or phone) defeats the purpose of having a cold storage Hardware wallet. If you are not sure what this means then check out our article here that explains why you should store your Cryptocurrency on a Hardware Wallet to ensure it is secure.

As you can tell already, there are problems with writing your Recovery Seed on a piece of paper and storing it safely. Even the most organised of us may forget where we stored that piece of paper securely, or even worse accidentally throw it away. Some people have even reported that their Recovery Seed was destroyed when their house flooded or burnt down. In comes CRYPTOTAG to save the Day! CRYPTOTAG is a premium product intended on storing your Recovery Seed securely, and in doing so eliminating most of the risks associated with writing your Recovery Seed on a piece of paper.

The CRYPTOTAG is a combination of two titanium plates which are: bulletproof, erosion and corrosion resistant and fireproof up to 1665°C! The two metal plates can each store up to 24 words, thus allowing you to store the Recovery Seed of ‘2 Ledger Hardware Wallets’ or ‘2 Trezor Model One’ or ‘4 Trezor Model T Hardware Wallets’ or ‘4 Keepkey Hardware Wallets’.

So if these plates are made of titanium, how the hell do you get your Recovery Seed inscribed on there?

Well, it’s quite simple really, and ingenious to be fair. You do it with a hammer and letter Bits that are hammered on the plates using a specialised Bit holder and Anvil. What’s fantastic about the CRYPTOTAG is that the Anvil, Hammer, Letter Bits and Bit holder, are all provided with the CRYPTOTAG making the process as smooth as possible for the user.

So what did we think of the whole process of hammering into a titanium plate our Recovery Seed?

I am going to be honest here, I was excited about doing it from the moment I unboxed the device, and the experience was just as enjoyable as I had imagined. It might just be the DIY aficionado in me speaking here but every time I hammered into the device and then took a look at the engraved letters on the CRYPTOTAG, I felt a sweet sense of satisfaction. One may even say the process is cathartic, with every blow I gave (and it had to be a sharp blow to ensure the letters were properly engraved), I felt a weight lifted from my chest, I no longer had to worry about losing the little paper (Recovery Seed) which I had stored in a shoe box under my bed for safe keeping.

But hey after all this is a review, what are all the cons? Areas of improvement?

If you have read any of our reviews, then you will know that I am a picky son of a bitch, but yet in the case of the CRYPTOTAG I couldn’t find any key area of improvement, it truly is a brilliant device! Now I know what you’re thinking, there must be an area of improvement?

I couldn’t come up with one but thankfully the guys over at CRYPTOTAG the have. If someone gets access to your CRYPTOTAG then you are in trouble as they can access your Crypto. This is a problem whether you use the CRYPTOTAG to store your recovery seed or a piece of paper, but the guys over at the CRYPTOTAG are trying to resolve this.They are working with some cryptographers in order to find a way, so that your recovery seed is actually encrypted within your CRYPTOTAG. This is still in the early stages but if you want to find out more then all you have to do is listen to the podcast chat we had with them here.


Overall the CRYPTOTAG is a premium product with a price tag of £149 which you can buy directly from their wesbite here. One might say this is pricey; personally, I think it’s quite cheap considering you are storing thousands of dollars’ worth of Crypto on a hardware wallet. What’s £149 in the grand scheme of things? I would rather spend the money and reduce the risk of losing my Cryptocurrencies. Now is the CRYPTOTAG the right one to buy? That’s up to you, there are similar products out there that we will be reviewing soon but what I can tell you is that the CRYPTOTAG is the most premium Recovery Seed storing product in the market. The CRYPTOTAG is the only one made of titanium, the only one that is bulletproof and the one with the highest melting point in the market.

Overall Rating: 9/10

One of the best Recovery Seed Products in the market, but there is not such thing as perfect.

If you would like to buy a CRYPTOTAG then you can get a discount through us!

All you have to do is follow CRYPTOTAG on twitter and send them a private message saying you are being referred by the CryptoAuthority!

You will then be given a promo code, which you can redeem by via the following link.

In doing so you will be supporting us at the same time and enabling us to continue to provide you with quality content!

CryptoAuthorityLad over and Out!

