Shopping in the Comfort of your Home

Valerie Cheong
Crypto Bacon Club
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2018

In the past couple of years, the ecommerce market has been growing at an incredible rate. Industry analysts have estimated that the ecommerce market is set to grow by a whopping 56% from 2015 to 2020 while the traditional brick-and-mortar market is only expected to grow at a measly 2%. The fast-paced growth experienced by ecommerce makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Ecommerce has the ability to allow customers to overcome geographical constraints and purchase goods anytime and anywhere. This has led to its near limitless potential for growth and is evidenced by the popularity of ecommerce sites among consumers.

However, in spite of this growth, brick-and-mortar stores still rank higher than ecommerce stores in terms of customer experience. In physical stores, consumers can actually feel and touch the items that they are interested in which adds a deeper layer of consumer engagement. Thus, there is a need to improve user experience in the ecommerce industry to match what the physical stores offer to consumers. This would help to propel the ecommerce industry to even greater heights.

One such ecommerce platform that is trying to replicate that experience is Elysian. Elysian is a blockchain-based ecommerce platform that uses Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Virtual Reality(VR) to provide an incredible user experience.

The Elysian AI can analyse user preferences and autonomously direct them to areas of the website that they wish to visit. Besides that, the AI can also ‘remember’ the last item or page viewed by the user in their previous visits. When the user logs in to the site again, the AI will show to the user what he or she saw in previous visits through verbal communication and vivid graphics. These methods produce a highly tailored experience that provides a high level of user engagement and satisfaction.

In comparison to other AIs in the market like Microsoft’s Cortana and Apple’s SIRI, the Elysian AI can provide deeper and more detailed responses to users’ queries. In addition, current AIs mine and sell user data for profits while the Elysian AI is more transparent and does not rely on user data acquisition. Thus, with AI, Elysian can provide an impressive user experience, given its efficient website navigation, convenience, and trustworthiness.

For VR, the technology can help the Elysian platform better replicate the in-store physical experience. The VR gives users vivid graphics and detailed descriptions of items in stores on Elysian, and this helps to bridge the disconnect between real stores with virtual ones. In addition, each virtual reality environment of the store will be unique and tailored to the preferences of each user. This function provides users with full control over their online shopping experience and deepens customer engagement.

As you can see, with Elysian, ecommerce can offer the same level of consumer engagement as brick-and-mortar stores. With the ecommerce industry set to grow even bigger in the future, user experience may be the key to capturing customers. Elysian delivers this experience by allowing users to have the physical shopping experience right in the comfort of their own homes. Learn more about Elysian in the links below!

Find out more about Elysian at:


