Social Media with a Twist!

Pam Phua
Crypto Bacon Club
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2018

When you think of social media, you would think of users publishing posts on their news feeds and interacting with their friends and followers. FlipNpik, a new social media platform, is set to add a twist to the conventional social media template with the integration of Blockchain technology. In simple terms, the FlipNpik platform offers local merchants an integrated solution that helps them to implement targeted marketing and communication strategies at effective and inexpensive prices.

The FlipNpik ecosystem is designed to revolve around local businesses rather than users like other platforms. FlipNpik transforms consumers into co-creators of value in the platform. They help to build up merchant profiles by contributing to their content and community. When users interact with the merchants by liking,sharing or saving posts, they receive Flip Social points from FlipNpik. They can also receive these points by adding new merchants to the platform or publishing posts on the merchant’s profile. So what does Flip Social do? It can be used to play inbuilt games like the Wheel of Savings and the Surprise Box which can enhance user experiences in the platform. Besides this, Flip Social can be used to redeem exclusive offers from merchants and even be converted to FlipNpik cryptocurrency tokens. FlipNpik tokens are the proprietary cryptocurrency used in FlipNpik and its main function is to facilitate transactions on the platform. It can also be converted to fiat currency in cryptocurrency exchanges as well, making it basically equivalent to money.

Merchants can also further cooperate with users by forming ambassador partnerships. When a user becomes an ambassador partner, he or she will have access to a variety of tools to help them better promote the business. In return for their efforts, these ambassador partners will receive 20% of the merchant’s budget for marketing services.

As you can see, in the FlipNpik platform, the key interactions are between users and businesses rather than between users. This allows the users to create value by effectively marketing merchants while at the same time earning value from themselves. I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to find another social media platform that enables such fruitful and positive interaction between a business and its customers. Out of the many social media platforms out there, FlipNpik offers a unique value proposition that brings benefits to all parties. Check out FlipNpik’s whitepaper and social media links to find out more!

Find out more about FlipNpik

FlipNpik Website

FlipNpik Whitepaper

FlipNpik Facebook

FlipNpik Twitter

FlipNpik Telegram

