ATOKEN AMA Recap (30th July, 2020)

Crypto Bharat
Published in
13 min readAug 2, 2020


We organized AMA successfully with ATOKEN team on 30th of July, 2020 in our telegram community group .

Thank you to Sarah Shao & Aswin Kumar for answering all the questions & for choosing Crypto Bharat for AMA. We look forward to collaborating more with you in the future.

Questions were submitted in our announcement tweet and questions were also asked on telegram by our community members.

Following is the transcript/recap of the AMA.

Harshad Wagh:

Guys as you know this AMA is going to be a unique one and hope you win prizes and sirdrops


Good evening everyone, to the one and only Crypto Bharat Group.

shao Sarah:

Hi guys~~~


Welcome 😊

Harshad Wagh:

Let’s welcome @Sarahshao @ @DarKnightBatman to the exciting AMA with Crypto Bharat and Atoken

Now let’s slide through the rules for tonight’s AMA

✓ Before we begin, Some basic rules for the AMA for our Community:

• Group will be muted in between for the entire duration of the AMA. We will open the group for few minutes in between for taking in the audience questions.

• Only 3 questions allowed per member in community round and please do not repeat those questions multiple times

• Please be polite, don’t spam link and enjoy the AMA

• Please don’t post support queries when the group is open to the questions.

• Please ask questions related to the Atoken only

• Please join group for eligibility to participate in this AMA, if anyone didn’t join before Winners announcement get disqualified.


Welcome to community @Sarahshao ,nice to have you here 🚀

shao Sarah:

Thank you, It’s pretty glad to be the guest of AToken team

Rahul Contractwala:

欢迎来到Crypto Bharat 😄

shao Sarah:

Yup, thanks

Harshad Wagh:

So the wait is over as you all know we have guests from Atoken Wallet here to have a chat with us and introduce us to their product which is one of the main aspect in Crypto industry

Hi @Sarahshao & @DarKnightBatman Please give us a short introduction of yourself and how your work is in regards to Atoken.

shao Sarah:

ok, Well,,,

Rahul Contractwala:

❗️❗️ REMINDER❗️❗️

Do not forget to join for eligibility to participate in this AMA, to be eligible to win this AMA

shao Sarah:

Hi everybody. I’m Sarah the Overseas Director of AToken Wallet. I’ve been working in AToken wallet for 2 years and have more than 5 years of technical experience in blockchain industry. I used to work at OKEX for a long time and also be excelled in overseas marketing.


Hello everyone 👋

I’m Aswin the India Market Officer of AToken Wallet, my role is to increase the number of user base in india and connect with users experience on using Astoken wallet and providing feedback to the team constantly in order to enhance/improve any features that the customer wants.

Harshad Wagh:

That was a great introduction in short and sweet words by the very talented Sarah and The Batman.!!!

Now lets move on to the next segment of the AMA

Can you tell us in brief what is Atoken and it’s role in the world of Crypto currencies

shao Sarah:

AToken Digital Currency Wallet is built by former development core team of Huobi exchange wallet. It is a light mobile wallet that supports multi- currency storage, the access to third-party DApps and currency exchange. AToken users exceeded 1,500,000 with 10.5 billion stored in assets. In a nutshell, AToken provides u with an access to digital assets which is safe to store, easy to earn, and fun to play! Here is AToken download link:

Harshad Wagh:

Awesome that’s an extensive number of tokens and assets Atoken has. It shows the trust Atoken has built over the months in this segment!

I would like to invite the most beloved and joyful member of the group to host the following session.

With a round of digital applause 👏👏👏👏👏 Let’s call our host for the admin questions Mr Beetle (@Beetle )

shao Sarah:

Surething, look forward….


Thanks Harshad. I’ll take over from here :)

Let’s move on to admin round. A few questions from us :D

Here’s the beginner.

1) What’s AToken Roadmap? and longterm strategy?


That’s a good question which should everyone know before getting into any project. For better understanding and experience I will share an image of our road map which gives you the information of our longterm startegy as well!!

Here we go!


Collaboration with Tomo chain definitely impressive 🔥


Yup and lots more to come as well😉

Harshad Wagh:

Very well thought of roadmap and achievements by Atoken🔥⚡️🎊



Moving to the 2nd Question

2) Is AToken wallet safe for user?

shao Sarah:

Yes, ofcourse, let me explain our security features:

AToken team has rich experiences in crypto currency wallet development.

• AToken is a decentralized wallet preserve no mnemonic words and private key.

• By adopting encryption algorithms such as PBKDF2, SHA-512, user’s private key is safely protected.

Safe features:

5-layer HD Structure;

Lateral Isolation;

Longitudinal Defense;

PBKDF2 Encryption;

SHA-512 Encryption;


Industry Standard features.👌

Harshad Wagh:

That’s long list of features impressive!!



shao Sarah:



Well let’s move to the next question

3) It’s pretty unique to have a Bitcoin Lighting on multi-coin wallet, how does it work on AToken Wallet? Curious about it.


Yup everyone’s eagerness lies in it to know the answer. Here we go I will explain it.

User can experience instant BTC send, receive and transfer in AToken Lightning Network! It is a distributed system that supports instant BTC payment and transfer from interconnected network through smart contract functions. While enforcing the security of BTC protocol, AToken Lightning Network has greatly optimized the transaction speed and scalability.

Two paths to deposit BTC into AToken Lightening Network Wallet account

Path 1: BTC wallet > AToken Lightening Network Wallet

Path 2: BTC wallet > AToken multi-chain wallet > AToken Lightening Network Wallet

Three main advantages of AToken Lightning Network:

1. Extremely low transaction fee, 1 Satoshi/pen (2*10^-8BTC);

Miners no longer worry about high transaction fees

2. Node data synchronization, instant transfer;

Instant, high-capacity micropayment channels, no longer waiting for transfer

3. Minimal user experience, account opening within 4 steps;

For more details, you can also refer to AToken Lightening Network OnePager:


We all definitely need speedy transactions. That makes Atoken more interesting!!


Exactly 💯


Here’s the 2nd Last question, a bit straight forward :p

4) Why we will choose AToken Compare of other ?

shao Sarah:

It s a good questioin Let me answer this one

There re four main highlighte features make AToken different from others:

1. Support 19 public chains including BTC, ETH, EOS, Cosmos, Polkadot and IPFS.

2. Support BTC Lightening Network, allowing user to experience faster BTC payment with extremely low gas.

3. Abundant DeFi+DApp ecosystem.

4. Preferential acceleration solution and 3 BTC transactions free of gas per day.


Great! Everyone feels the gas issue right now. Nowdays It’s Much higher than previous levels .

Last question before moving on to twitter round.

5) Recently there was news about support the purchase of Filecoin cloud mining on Atoken Wallet, can you explain further?


Yes, IPFS is the most concerned blockchain project in 2020. To meet user’s needs, AToken selected the best Filecoin Cloud Mining manufacturer in the industry and launched its Filecoin Cloud Mining products.

From 17th — 24th July, AToken has a 45% off flash sale of Filecoin Cloud Mining product and below are several Uniqueness of AToken Filecoin Cloud Mining product:

1. The current price 210USDT/T while the original price is 380USDT/T, drops by 170 USDT/T

2. Cloud Mining product custodian, gain profit easily

3. Minimum purchase amount: 0.1T, everyone can participate

4. T4 five-star IDC equipment room

5. High input-output ratio

So far, the sales volume is very impressive. Now there is only two days left for the flash sale. If you are also interested in Filecoin, don’t miss this opportunity!!


Community is listening ✨

shao Sarah:

Make an announcement here, we re now beginning the third round of Filecoin mining products flash sale



Harshad Wagh:

Wow that’s such a splendid surprise for the users and members around the world

Hey guys you got an opportunity to invest here!

shao Sarah:

haha, right, hurry up


All right!

That was a terrific round and your answers explained a lot about Atoken, cant wait to use it !

Moving forward I would like to invite Mr Rahul (@contractwala) to take over from here.

Rahul Contractwala:

谢谢您带我们来, Mr. Beetle Singhaniya and Mr. Harshad Wagh


很高兴见到你 @DarKnightBatman and @Sarahshao



You’re welcome Rahul! 😄

shao Sarah:

Ok,we re ready

Rahul Contractwala:


Let us know begin with the Twitter round :D

The Chinese president said blockchain is “groundbreaking” and that China must lead the world. So, what are Atoken plans to take advantage of this opportunity to attract more users or develop other businesses to become the leading project in the world?

shao Sarah:

En…well, he’s quite right. and we re all notice the news. thanks for your question.

AToken has always been committed to being the gateway for the blockchain, and DeFi and Dapps is one of the key factors to tell whether blockchain technology is widely used and received. Users can easily navigate the Dapp world through AToken wallet and experience different blockchain styles. AToken Wallet will continue to provide access for high-quality Dapp aggregators and make the wallet the entrance to Dapp products. We also welcome all Dapp projects to get in touch with AToken and embrace the blockchain ecosystem together.

Rahul Contractwala:

哇!知道这真的很有趣, 确实是一个真正的区块链项目


shao Sarah:

yes, let’s move on

Rahul Contractwala:

Moving on to the second question,

Atoken Wallet supports staking. What coins can I stake on AtokenWallet? What are their Annualized Return Rates? In order to be a Node validators, what are the requirements? Q2. As a non-custodial wallet, What new cryptographic business models can be created on AtokenWallet?


AToken is one of the first batch of wallets that support staking module. Currently, it supports MakerDAO and Compound, COSMOS and Polkadot’s Staking. AToken’s fully decentralized staking allows users to gain profits while ensuring the safety of their assets.

Harshad Wagh:

That’s really great

Rahul Contractwala:

Mutliple support to multiple blockchain projects. That’s even more interesting👍

Shall we head to the next question?

shao Sarah:

yes let’s go

Rahul Contractwala:

DeFi is currently a hot topic in the blockchain technology, what are your expectations on DeFi for the near feature and for the next few year, and what is the role of Atoken wallet in it?

shao Sarah:

Yes, Yes, AToken is now focusing on making the top DeFi aggregator with Uniswap, KyberDex, Aave protocal, Polkadot staking, MakerDAO and Compound and so on. Let me take Polkadot as an example and AToken is already an important part of Polkadot Deif testor too, which you can see in their official panorama picture of Polkadot ecosystem.

yes that’ it….

Rahul Contractwala:

Will definitely check this out in detail. Polkadot is one of my personal favourite projects too

Now heading to the last but one question

I’m interested in contributing to AToken by joining the AToken Global Star Program, what benefits can volunteers get from Star Program? and how do I apply ?


Yup there’s everyone having their own opportunity to contribute to AToken depending on where they fit in. I will give this with little more details.

Atoken Global Star program was officially launched few days ago, it has received pretty good feedback.

AToken Global Star Program is calling for AToken Star across the globe who are enthusiastic about decentralized technology and passionate volunteers within our community to support AToken wallet in a variety of ways. At AToken, we are focused on creating the best possible customer experience and Stars play a major role in acting as a bridge between AToken and the communities around the world.

The main reason we launched this program is that we’d like to grow with our communities in the long run, and it mainly inspired by two factors:

1. While we’re developing overseas market, many volunteers want to help us moderate the communities. Then we thought it’ll be a good idea to launch a program involving the communities across the globe.

2. COVID-19 is having a significant impact on economy and results in increasing number of unemployment worldwide. At this timing, AToken star program offers different amount of airdrop and compensation to the volunteers, which they can earn certain digital assets by working from home each month

Harshad Wagh:

This program looks like has gotten big popularity regarding the opportunities it has and the profits attached to it. Kudos to the team!!!!


Also adding upto that more details.

As for the benefit, we have 3 levels in this program:

Level 1 Volunteer,

Level 2 Ambassador,

Level 3 Partner.

You can also refer to this video

You can see from the video that different levels have different benefits. For volunteer in the community, they can get priority chance to get airdrop rewards from AToken; For content creator, no matter what social media platform they publish, they can apply for compensation according to the result of data, to be an ambassador also has the right to apply for up to 500USD meetup subsidy; For experienced crypto professionals, you have a fixed income per month and will have priority to join AToken team officially.

If you are interested, welcome to join us

Application Form:

Rahul Contractwala:

Ah that’s nice. Hope you get tremendous success on this 👍

Now for the final question of the Twitter round

Can you briefly explain how the Top milestones that the Atoken team aims to execute before the end of this year or going to execute in future, will help them succeed and What Atoken may look like in 2020 and beyond?

shao Sarah:

So in 2020 and beyond, AToken will keep exploring Dapp world and make the top DeFi aggregator. What’s more,as Polkadot is so hot and it’s a star project that everyone look forward. As what I mentioned right now AToken is already to be an important part of Polkadot Ecosytem, which you can see in their official panorama picture of Polkadot ecosystem.

Now, AToken already started the technical docking of Polkadot Testnet Kusama and we will support its Mainnet once it goes online. Also, AToken has close relationship with Polkadot community. We will co-host many events like AMA, airdrops, and implement mutual promotions in social media. Besides, AToken will support DEX in Polkadot ecosystem and support its stable coins as well as transaction functions in the near future. In a word, the partnership between AToken and Polkadot will make a difference to Polkadot ecosystem and help AToken to build a “scenario entrance” to global digital asset.

Harshad Wagh:

Thanks for the perfectly explained answer Sarah!

Thanks @contractwala for the twitter session.

Let’s make it even more exciting round, so are you ready guys to slowdown everyone’s phone from flooding the questions. Please throw your question with rules in mind.

So I would like to invite all our community members to participate in this community round.

I am Unmuting the group now,

Let’s go………..

Harshad Wagh:

Let’s the questions flood!!!


Muted 🔇

Community is on fire 🔥!!!

Over to you @Sarahshao @DarKnightBatman

( Group was unmuted to accept questions from the community. Our community members submitted a record 500+ questions for ATOKEN. Wow! )

shao Sarah:

yes, so hot, thanks for everyone


Take your time to answer best questions


Security of Funds are very important factor ! So How much secure AToken wallet is ? Is there any pin/password protection for wallet /

What makes AToken unique from other wallets platforms?

shao Sarah:

Thank for your ques @Ahmad_T2

AToken team has rich experiences in crypto currency wallet development.

• AToken is a decentralized wallet preserve no mnemonic words and private key.

• By adopting encryption algorithms such as PBKDF2, SHA-512, user’s private key is safely protected.

Safe features:

5-layer HD Structure;

Lateral Isolation;

Longitudinal Defense;

PBKDF2 Encryption;

SHA-512 Encryption;

Since AToken is a decentralized wallet, it doesn’t store user’s mnemonic words and private key. When unfortunate event happens, user’s mnemonic words and private key won’t be lost. Thus, as long as the user keeps the mnemonic and private key properly, their assets are absolutely safe.

Limits~Arya EC ajh:

PolkaDefi is expected to dominate the second half of the year. As one of the non-custodial wallet that strives to continously deliver innovations, what benefits and innovation does AToken Wallet bring to the Polkadot ecosystem?

shao Sarah:

Thank u for your ques @armahes

We’ll integrate with Kusama first which is ongoing now, and besides, we will have Polkadot Dex, and staking, in the future we plan to list the stablecoin of Polkadot. In nutshel, we’ll do deep intergraion with Polkadot and keep great relationship with Polka official team to support the whole Polka ecosystem.

zafer metin:

Does AToken support multi-asset storage and 3rd party DApp list? Are updates to Token exchanges applied in Atoken wallet? (swap,mainnet etc.)

shao Sarah:

Thank u for your ques

AToken has always been committed to being the gateway for the blockchain, and Dapps is one of the key factors to tell whether blockchain technology is widely used and received. Users can easily navigate the Dapp world through AToken wallet and experience different blockchain styles. AToken Wallet will continue to provide access for high-quality Dapp aggregators and make the wallet the entrance to Dapp products. We also welcome all Dapp projects to get in touch with AToken and embrace the blockchain ecosystem together.

We have the standard process of applying token listing and Dapp developping online. welcome to join in and grow together with AToken

Ok , that’s it. host~

Harshad Wagh:

You did a terrific job answering and selecting the questions from the heap!!! @Sarahshao

Thanks to all community members who participated in this AMA and @ATokenEnglishOfficial for joining us tonight and answering our community members questions, twitter followers and the doubts.

Great initiative for the entire blockchain cryptocurrencies. This brings us to the end of this fun AMA.

Thank you, everyone! Stay safe.

Thanks @Sarahshao & @DarKnightBatman and the rest of the Atoken Wallet Team for joining us this was really exciting and giving us this opportunity to present one of the best wallets in the cryptoworld!!!

And congratualtions to the winners as well!!!

Going to download the wallet right now!

and buy the fire tokens people

shao Sarah:

haha, right

Hermawan | Trader✓:

Great AMA

shao Sarah:

Thanks you guys ,thanks for members

thanks for the host of Crypto Bharat

Harshad Wagh:

Thanks team

shao Sarah:

Bye guys

Harshad Wagh:

Bye and best wishes for the project ahead

shao Sarah:

Best withs for all

Feedback and comments are always welcome 😊

Compiled by- for the Crypto Bharat Community.

Follow Crypto_Bharat on Twitter.

