Meridian Network AMA Recap (27th July, 2020)

Crypto Bharat
Published in
13 min readAug 2, 2020

🔷 Meridian Network AMA Recap🔷

We organized AMA successfully with Meridian Network team on 27th of July, 2020 in our telegram community group .

Thank you to Yomonk & Mark for answering all the questions & for choosing Crypto Bharat for AMA. We look forward to collaborating more with you in the future.

Questions were submitted in our announcement tweet and questions were also asked on telegram by our community members.

Following is the transcript/recap of the AMA.


Good evening everyone, I am a co-founder of this community.

Before we start AMA session I would like to introduce my group those who joined recently for AMA Session.

In our group we have full of crypto enthusiast traders and we also have some Indian Stock market traders and Forex trader too so our group covers all fans to talk freely and share their views and Ideas on Market.

Our website (

now let’s begin the show, and for that I’d like to invite our one of the Administrator of Crypto Bharat Traders Community to host this AMA session please most welcome to Mr.Rahul AKA (@contractwala).

Yomonk l Meridian Network:


Rahul Contractwala:

Namaskar Everyone, Thank you @rektpleb for giving me this opportunity to host this exciting AMA.

Now let’s slide through the rules for tonight’s AMA

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Glad to be here.

Rahul Contractwala:

✓ Before we begin, Some basic rules for the AMA for our Community:

• Group will be muted in between for the entire duration of the AMA. We will open the group for few minutes in between for taking in the audience questions.

• Only 3 questions allowed per member in community round and please do not repeat those questions multiple times

• Please be polite, don’t spam link and enjoy the AMA

• Please don’t post support queries when the group is open to the questions.

• Please ask questions related to the Meridian Network only

• Please join @meridiannetwork group for eligibility to participate in this AMA, if anyone didn’t join before Winners announcement get disqualified.


So guys wait is over, Tonight’s our guest from @meridiannetwork, Please most welcome to @yomonk.

Please give us a short introduction of yourself ( What is you occupation there? and how much experience do you have with meridian network ? )

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Sure, Im 1/2 co-founders of Meridian Network. My role spans quite a few areas such as marketing, product, partnerships and a few other things.

We’re a fresh project and have been in the market for over a 1 month now but Mark and I have been building/doing concept development since March/April.

Mark | Meridian Network:

Hey guys! I’m Mark, one of the cofounders, I handle both the financial and operational sides of Meridian

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

My previous background is in enterprise sales (selling sofware to enterprises) and running my own e-commerce businesses.

Harshad Wagh:

Welcome Sir 🙂 we are proud to have you with us


Well that’s quite an introduction.

there gonna be 3 rounds

1. Admin Q&A Round

2. Twitter Q&A Round

3. Community Q&A Round

Now time for round 1,so let’s begin the Admin questions round in this there’ll be best 3 question chosen by our admins and to ask that questions I’d like to invite one of our highly knowledgeable and most decorated Admin of Crypto Bharat Traders, please most welcome to Mr. Rahul

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Okay great

Rahul Contractwala:

Thank you Mr. Groot. Let me start with the admin Q&A round right away 😄

Mark | Meridian Network:

Sounds good, let’s do it!

Rahul Contractwala:

Could you tell us a bit more your background before starting Meridian Network?

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

I think I might have already answered this question above but Mark can definitely fill you in on his background.

Additional to enterprise sales and e-commerce, ive done consultancy for several tech startups to build marketing funnels, raise capital and manage digital operations.

Mark | Meridian Network:

I come from a digital consulting and management background, namely for industries. I used to help companies revamp their structure while providing technical employee training

Rahul Contractwala:

Looks like both of you come from really diverse backgrounds. Good to know👌

Heading towards the next question now,

What made you guys decide to start Meridian Network?

Mark | Meridian Network:

So both of us were crypto enthusiasts for some time now, and with DeFi booming this year our discussions started being more centered towards DeFinand how to improve it, until one day we decided to launch our own project. We thought creating a protocol where most of the control is in the hands of users would be a good starting point

Which is why we set the DAO as our goal

Rahul Contractwala:

Entrepreneurs joining together and creating an even greater project, perfect!👍

Mark | Meridian Network:

That was the idea, combining both our set of skills

Rahul Contractwala:

Looks like it worked out just great😄

Could you tell us a bit more about your 1st dapp which is called the Meridian Vault?

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Sure, the Meridian Vault is a staking interface for our holders. Our holders can gain 1% daily dividends for the 1st month leading up to the launch of our 2nd dapp, the DAO Balancer pool. There is also an unstaking penalty of 15% (5% gets re-distributed to holders and 10% get burned from the supply. So its unique in the way that the longer you hold, the more dividends you receive + you receive more LOCK when others unstake.

The Vault is a just a temporarily reward system until our launch of the 2nd dapp in 3 weeks.

At this moment, we have over 70% of our circulating supply locked in the Vault too.

here’s what it looks like.

and here’s the link:

So for new investors, if you would like to stake and receive dividends in the form of LOCK, this would be a great opportunity.

Rahul Contractwala:

Interesting concept👌

Thank you for answering the questions so well :)

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Of course, its my pleasure.

Rahul Contractwala:

Let’s move on to the Twitter Round and to put those top 5 lucky and best questions here I’d like invite our community’s most loved, reputated and humble Admin of Crypto Bharat Traders Community, So Please welcome Mr. Harshad AKA (@Tiger7)

Harshad Wagh:

Hey Rahul Thanks for the nice intro .

WIthout much ado let’s close the suspense and reveal the first twitter winner and his/her question:

Here it is:

1) There are so many projects that only exist for a moment (dead on the road,so many investors are traumatized by new projects).The question how Meridian project can survive,continue to grow & in what way you convince investors that this project is very promising? @trx @ltc @Ardyy3

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

I think one of the key aspects is strong communication, setting the right expectations to our investors and delivering consistently. As a project, we are very new but we need to build our trust and confidence with the community day by day. And at this stage, we’re very happy with many of the community members that we have and we’re looking to deliver as promised. In terms of new investors, it’s about relaying our development/accomplishments so far through our channels/partnerships and also educating them on our future roadmap.

Our value proposition as the 1st defi ecosystem governed by its own DAO is also interesting for many investors. Investors/community members have the opportunity to become part of the development of the project and make impact. Besides the price-action of the token, I think this is an unique opportunity to become part of a crypto project.

Harshad Wagh:

Truly said sir with support and the buzz the community of millions of cryptousers are creating regarding Meridian Network, It all suggests that the project is moving into a prosperous direction. And we very much wish the same.

Now i would like to reveal the second twitter user and the quesiton who won:

2.) Adoption, Governance and Scalability, How do Meridian Network deal with these very essential issues for a decentralized project? and What are the main utilities and real life use cases of Meridian Network ? @Bogzkie1 @_rhythms29 @ken_minchie

Mark | Meridian Network:

So the way we addressed governance is through our DAO, the goal is actually to become a fully autonomous organization after launching our DAO balancer pool, with holders voting on new protocols to be released in the future as well as other major decisions. In terms of scalability we are bound to Ethereum and we firmly believe ETH 2.0 will bring several improvements which will benefit the project overall.

Adoption wise we are expanding our efforts and creating a new educational portal which should go live within less than a month when we update our website. This portal will educate users on most of the basics regarding DeFi, blockchain, smart contracts, balancers etc, and we hope this will help attract and retain more users while we prepare our DAO launch

Harshad Wagh:

Wow that’s a cool and confident achievable answer I must say and with very talented Meridian N/w we can only see it scaling all the heights quickly

Mark | Meridian Network:

As for the benefits it brings to our holders/users, the idea is that every DeFi protocol we launch will serve them in a specific way. For instance our DAO balancer will allow users to earn a passive income by pooling their tokens, through a set of varied mechanisms which Balancer already has in place. It will also allow users to propose and vote for the pools that best suit their needs as investors. Our future dapps will follow a similar model

Harshad Wagh:

This is so good for the investors to earn profits as per the Meridean plan mentioned above.

The third Tweet Ques is equally exciting

3.) Meridian has chosen the Ethereum network for its initial DAO implementation, what mechanism are you using to combat the main problem of this network, such as its slowness at the time of making transactions?

@Pamoato @Pirantelito @Rosanela08

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

At this stage, we are looking into ETH bridges such as Syscoin to combat the high transaction fees (in the short-term). The development team is researching into this topic to see if there are any viable solutions. In the long-term, ETH 2.0 should fix this issue.

Harshad Wagh:

Yes i am sure the deveopment team will find the way out and aswell ETH 2.0 can fix this.

Lets see which is the fourth Twitter Question:

And here it is:

4.) As there will be 2 Dapp that you will launch in August , the DAO Balancer Pool.

Can you explain more about it and what were the benefits it will bring to Community and Meridian Network ?




Mark | Meridian Network:

The DAO balancer is our first DeFi protocol set to be community run. The idea is that through a DAO structure holders of LOCK will be able to vote on new assets for balancer pools, new pools altogether, as well as voting for future dapps. We set aside a 500,000 LOCK reserve pool just for this purpose, the use of which will be voted on by the community. As for the benefits of our first dapp, besides placing control in the hands of users there’s also the passive income attribute, which can come from several points:

1) Users receive passive dividends from liquidity mining in the form of BAL each week

2) Fees paid by traders in the balancer pool (fees paid in the form of the tokens in the pool)

3) Continuing appreciation of the tokens in the pool which gives upward pressure on the price of LOCK

4) Diversification across other high growth assets across multiple verticals

Harshad Wagh:

Awesome strategy to implement Sir, which not only brings progress to blockchain as a whole but also making investors feel happier in terms of the returns!

The time comes for the final Twitter Question for this evening which is:

5.) Where is the Meridian Network target market? What does the Meridian Network team think of the Indian crypto market? Does the Meridian team have a planned approach in the potential market in India crypto? @AAA4466L @ddmahendraa13 @VeeMeyr

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Our target market is all the major international markets such as US, EU, India, Japan, China and other crypto-bullish markets. India is a huge untapped market for us and doing an AMA with your team is one of the first initiatives to build our footprint. At this stage, we are actively looking for community manager(s) that can build the Indian TG community and localise our content for the Indian community. We’re now building our communities across Vietnam and Japan through a similar model of building separate TG community. So if there are any talented community managers in here who has experience building the Indian market for other projects, feel free to reach out to us!

Harshad Wagh:

That’s so true we as a nation India has enormous untapped market.

Thanks a lot for trusting and giving us the chance to introduce your multi faceted project to our Crypto Bharat Community.

And I am sure you will surely find the community manager in this groups (Hi members anybody interested to work with the talented Meridian Team).

Thanks again for answering all the questions so perfectly and clearing the doubts of users and giving useful information. I am sure you will receive a great response from Indians for the project and investments

Thank you @yomonk @mlanders_meridian for all the twitter answers.

@Rektpleb you may take over from here.

Thanks again Crypto Bharat Members you rock!!!

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Thanks for the all the twitter questions everyone!


Mark | Meridian Network:

Thanks everyone 💪


It is really a great interaction with you guys.

Let’s make it even more exciting round, so are you ready guys to slowdown everyone’s phone from flooding the questions. Please throw your question with rules in mind.

So I would like to invite all our community members to participate in this community round.

I am Unmuting the group now,

Let’s go………..

( Group was unmuted to accept questions from the community. Our community members submitted a record 600+ questions for Meridian Network. Wow! )

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

We’ll answer 5 questions now.


That would be a really tough call.


How do MRDN and LOCK Tokens affect each other? What are the main use of 2 tokens in Meridian ecosystem?

Mark | Meridian Network:

MRDN was our old token, the one we initially released. As it was not compatible with our staking dapp we had to swap it for LOCK. LOCK will be our permanent token going forward. If you own MRDN you can still swap it for LOCK through our website


If Meridian Network will incorporate DAO in its platform and what benefits would they obtain?

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

There are several benefits to being part of the DAO. 1) you will be contribute to the development of the platform. You can ensure that your investment will gain more value this way 2) with the 500k DAO reserve pool, if you can get dictate how this will be used. If you contribute more to the DAO, you will get rewarded more from the DAO reserve pool 3) Your reputation in the DAO community can be built


Meanwhile do join their tg channel to be eligible for Rewads


Sazibur Rahman:

What security features will be implemented in Meridian to prevent theft due to an error in the smart contract. Will the code be audited to identify vulnerabilities?

Mark | Meridian Network:

The Meridian Vault has been audited by HACKEN prior to its release, to ensure that the smart contract meets all security requirements to ensure the safety of our holders funds. You can find the report on our Medium.

Going forward, all dapps will be subject to an audit before we release them


As I read in your website, Hotbit listed Meridian without consulting you and you played no part for this. So are you having conflict or argument to Hotbit?What is your target exchange for MRDN to be listed to?

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Yes, its good that you’re aware that Hobit listed MRDN without our approval but that is fine. We currently are listed on uniswap and Bilaxy. But we are in touch with a few other major exchanges and we’ll be ready to announce more exchanges right around the launch of our 2nd dapp in 3 weeks. So definitely hold tight, more exchanges are on the way!

Harshad Wagh:

Members may join following Social Media pages of Meridian Network.

Telegram: @meridiannetwork



Meridian Network — Medium

Read writing from Meridian Network on Medium. A Web3 based staking/deflationary mechanism soon to incorporate a community DAO and Dapps. Every day, Meridian Network and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.

Santi Nurbaya:

How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not spoken well? Do you have local communities for the them to let them better understand about your project?

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Yes, we have just began building our local communities in the the markets such as Vietnam and Japan. We’re looking to build more local communities in other markets such as India, China, Indonesia and other major countries. By the time we launch our 2nd dapp, we should have very strong presence in these key markets. So we’re definitely excited for the next phase of our development and marketing strategy. Once soon as we have more big announcements, we’ll have the ability to spread this news very rapidly through these communities and other partnerships we’ve gained so far.

Please feel free to join our telegram: @meridiannetwork

and our trader group:

and for weekly updates, feel free to subscribe to our announcement channel:


Thanks every community members who participated in this AMA and @meridiannetwork for joining us tonight and answering our community members questions.

Great initiative for the entire blockchain ecosystem. This brings us to the end of this fun AMA.

Thank you, everyone! Stay safe.

Thanks @ and the rest of the meridian network Team for joining us this was really exciting .

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Thank you to the Bharat community for hosting!

Mark | Meridian Network:

Thanks for the opportunity to be here today guys! Great meeting you all, you’re welcome to drop by our channels anytime

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

And thanks everyone for the questions.


Great AMA

Santi Nurbaya:

Great AMA 🎉

Yomonk l Meridian Network:

Feel free to follow us! We have more big announcements coming soon. Thank you!

Harshad Wagh:

Thanks a lot @mlanders_meridian @yomonk for being such a wonderful guest for the AMA and enlightning us with your knowledge..

Feedback and comments are always welcome 😊

Compiled by- for the Crypto Bharat Community.

Follow Crypto_Bharat on Twitter.

