Elon Musk to Make SNL Host Debut, DOGE to the Moon!

Crypto Lover
Crypto & Blockchain News
3 min readMay 8, 2021

DOGE skyrocketed this afternoon (May 8, 2021) and reached a new high of 0.74 USDT!

The new record does have a reason. Yesterday, Musk reposted a video titled “Elon Musk Says Dogecoin Could Be the Future of Cryptocurrency” on Twitter and said that “Cryptocurrency is promising, but please invest with caution!”

Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1390522866979033092

As shown in the video, Musk is surrounded by his fans asking for the signature. One fan asked Musk if Dogecoin will bring away the value of the coin as it can expand and it’s not like Bitcoin with a limited number of coins, Musk said yes to it.

Musk also said, “people should not invest their life-savings in cryptocurrency”, cause “that’s unwise”. He stated that, “it is like a good chance in the crypto is the future currency of the earth” but it depends on “which one’s gonna be and maybe it will be multiple, but it should be considered as a speculation of the point, so don’t go too far on the crypto speculation”, besides, he thought that Dogecoin is the most promising crypto in the field.

Even some fans were asking how can Musk tweet then the Dogecoin soared. However, Musk did not reply to this, but left a notice that don’t take too many risks on crypto.

Recently, Dogecoin keeps climbing from $0.3 to $0.7, I bet those who have followed my article before and joined the KuCoin Futures activity of DOGE contract have earned buckets of money!

From the picture below we can see the recent trends of the DOGE contract. Wanna seize the opportunity to reach financial freedom? Follow me now!

Today (May 8) is the debut for Musk on Saturday Night Live, he must be promoting Dogecoin again, I bet. Every time when Musk mentioned Dogecoin, it will skyrocket in a short time (I would like to call it the Musk Effect). When it is on a show, the price of Dogecoin must break through the historical record.

To bring more users on the fast track to financial freedom and reap more profits from Dogecoin, KuCoin is going to have another big move!

Here DOGE brings one more bonus!

From 10:00 on May 8 to 10:00 on May 14 (UTC), as long as you’re registered for the activity and trade DOGE contract, you can enjoy multiple bonuses!

Bonus one: Trade DOGE contract to enjoy trading fees up to 90% off!

Bonus two: Top 300 users in trading volume of DOGE contract can win the trial privilege of KCS contract and even the trial package!

Bonus three: Enable futures trading to claim up to 50 USDT of airdrop bonus, limited offer for 1,000 lucky users!

Musk’s debut on SNL is around the corner, fanatics of Dogecoin can’t bear the excitement now! Why not go enable the futures trading on KuCoin Futures and trade the DOGE contract for more profits?

Earlier on April 1, Musk said that SpaceX will take Dogecoin to the moon. No matter if it will become a reality or not, now the Dogecoin ranks 4th in value and is going one step ahead of other coins, moving much closer to the moon!



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