CRYPTO CAFE — The community airdrop token

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4 min readFeb 16, 2018

Its been a while since last year when I put up the idea of “CRYPTO CAFE”. And this has been a idea which I have been trying to follow passionately with many of my friends and have talked in many forums. For more background on CRYPTO CAFE, you can refer to the below blog.


Since over a year while I have been bitten by the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain bug I had been exploring various use cases where I can implement these ideas. Now there were many ideas that I got while exploring ICOs, various Cryptocurrency projects but the most important aspect for me was which idea I liked the most and I would feel committed to implement.

And the answer has been all along been the Cryptocurrency community. I have met so many good souls in this community who have helped me and taught me what ever I know today about Blockchain and Cryptocurrency that I felt it was better for me to spend time to help others and also build a stronger community and also support diverse communities based on geographies, ideologies, cryptocurrencies, vision and technology viewpoint to help all to intermingle and learn form each other and share and make the community more stronger.

Initial Idea

My earliest vision of CRYPTO CAFE token the idea was to create an idea space where anyone from the Blockchain and cryptocurrency community come and share ideas, conduct workshops or just hang around making CRYPTO CAFE as an ultimate destination for all patrons from the winder Cryptocurrency and Blockchain community.

I also tried doing a fundraiser for the project so that I can raise the seed capital for the idea so that I can do a bigger ICO and also possibly make the token usable as a preferred token to be used in these idea spaces. Also idea was to launch a decentralized e-commerce store where using the token people can buy Crypto Culture based funky merchandise or sell their own Cryptocurrency based merchandise as well.

The Issue

I think though this was my first ICO, the whole idea of Fundraiser was itself botched and while it gave me some valuable lessons but it also gave me a realization that I have not done a good job at framing my ICO. Even worse my token structure and the overall marketing now I feel sucked. I sounded as a college kid with starry eye dream trying to launch the next big thing while it was not and also received some harsh and even some true feedback on my effort.

The final realization came that I need to do more and what I did in my previous attempt was merely an effort like may be some nerdy visionary will do in early history of crypto and may get some shills. Hence I need to do better.

The Pivot

Well while I faced some personal hurdles and also get ready to face new challenges and take new opportunities in future. I feel the original vision of CRYPTO CAFE was really good but the overall approach was wrong. Also my core vision of helping and promoting and supporting the wider Cryptocurrency community should not be diluted.

Hence the pivot, I will now be using this token to power various communities that I have created or supported over the last year and share CRYPTO CAFE token to support and promote these communities in the form of airdrops. And this will not be only limited to my communities but for any ICO or cryptocurrency community that me or our community feels strongly about promoting.

While the governance and the tokenomics around CRYPTO CAFE tokens evolve, I will be working with like minded people and projects from the cryptocurrency community to use CRYPTO CAFE tokens for airdrop campaigns where to support promotion and adoption of such communities we will be running CRYPTO CAFE airdrops by which not only the liquidity of CRYPTO CAFE tokens increases among wider cryptocurrency community. But also helps such projects gain traction and adoption for their own projects.

Will it work?

Well only time will tell if this will work or fail, but for now I feel one of the biggest problems that projects fail is because they do not get enough marketing exposure. And airdrops have proven as a very good model for increasing interest and awareness about any cryptocurrency or project.But not all projects who are doing ICO can put their tokens up for airdrops or such airdrops are severely curtailed to only holders of those or related token or cryptocurrency holders. And sometimes airdrops may also may impact their original aim of capital raising or may impact their tokenomics as a whole. Hence for such projects I feel CRYPTO CAFE can be a very good option where they can use CRYPTO CAFE as a token as an airdrop token and also may help get the necessary traction and promotion for their project after which they can run their own campaigns or bounty to promote and engage with their community.

Hence CRYPTO CAFE can be the airdrop token for projects that want to get the initial push to get the seed community or the critical surge that can help them get the momentum in wider adoption of their project. While these are the initial ideas I am sure more such projects or token will emerge who would like to incorporate the idea I have presented here and may even refine it. As I said it is my initial vision now and CRYPTO CAFE may see more pivots in future hence I would say stay tuned and more exciting projects and airdrops to come.


Please lookout for CRYPTO CAFE airdrops, it is a waves token hence please have Waves wallets, and also join the below channels to find information of latest airdrops and news on CRYPTO CAFE and more.

Stay tuned for more announcements and Airdrops and guides as to how you can use CRYPTO CAFE.

Disclaimer: This is not investment or trading advice, always do your own independent research.


ETH: 0x8b831616172504b0617eB70F50185F62Ba5F4FD3

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