Nova Network Mobile Miner App

Nova Network Referral Code “ prdx “

Mine Nova and Nova token plus for free with your cell phone, without investing any cell phone power or anything except opening the app once a day and pressing the mining button

✅Finance King
Crypto Cosmos


nova network referral code
Made by me

Nova Network is next to ICE Network the most professional, easiest and most reputable way to mine cryptocurrency with your andy.

How it works

👉🏻Download the Nova Network Mining App in your Google Playstore or Appstore, depending on which one on your phone allows you to download apps.

👉🏻Register with your data

👉🏻Use my invitation code: prdx
To receive a 25 percent mining rate increase.

👉🏻Done, you can mine your own Nova token.

👉🏻After 10 days you will have the opportunity to do the KYC. This means verifying yourself with your ID. From then on you can also mine Nova Plus tokens. Another Nova token.

A Nova token is already worth 0.05 cents. You can already receive 25 cents a day as a Nova, if the value of the token increases you can see how quickly you can earn money.

I wish you much success

Official Nova website



✅Finance King
Crypto Cosmos

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