How to Support Ukraine through Crypto

Every little help counts.

Marek Holovský
Crypto Hunters Official
2 min readFeb 28, 2022


Personally, I’ve always seen cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology as means for building a better world, which, among many other things, also means a future without war (which can in my eyes be at least partially achieved through decentralization of power). A reality, where the decisions of one (wannabe-tsar) don’t ruin lives of hundreds of thousands or millions of people. But as we move slowly and steadily towards that goal, there are still things we can do immediately.

News about the invasion of Ukraine were heart-breaking and one of my first questions was “What can I do to help?” And I’m certain many have felt similarly. Therefore, as a proud user of crypto-technology, I present to you several ways you can support Ukraine:

Direct donation

Ukraine itself asked for help in form of cryptocurrency donations on its official Twitter account:

As you can see, they are currently accepting BTC, ETH and USDT. You should be able to click through, copy the address(es) and send crypto immediately from your wallet or exchange account.

So far, the crypto donations total more than $10 million.

Fundraising DAOs

In wake of the invasion, many decentralized organizations (DAOs) were created with the aim of fundraising humanitarian aid for Ukraine. I’ll present some of them here:

UNCHAIN UKRAINE. A humanitarian relief aimed fund, supported by Vitalik Buterin and Illia Polosukhin, a Ukrainian cofounder of NEAR Protocol.

UkraineDAO. Created by a member of Russian performance art group Pussy Riot, “Using the power of web3 tech and community to raise funds for Ukrainian organisations that are helping those suffering from the war in Ukraine.”

These two seem to be the most popular ones, but there certainly exist more. E.g., Yev Muchnik, a lawyer from Ukraine, has been apparently working on one together with PieFi.

And just to prove the usefulness of cryptocurrencies in situations like these and to make my fellow members of crypto community proud:

Thank you for reading, hopefully this whole madness will end soon.



Marek Holovský
Crypto Hunters Official

Student, crypto and blockchain enthusiast working for Crypto Hunters. I write stories.