What is Kyber Swap? (in 60 seconds)

Gabriel Tramble
Crypto in 60 Seconds
1 min readMay 20, 2020

Kyber Swap is a decentralized token swap platform utilizing the Kyber Network protocol. Think of Kyber Swap as an owner free instant trading system for ERC-20 tokens. For example, if you wanted to trade Chainlink (ERC-20) to Dai (ERC-20 MakerDao stablecoin), this becomes possible securely without sending funds to an exchange.

Kyberswap.com/swap is accessible via desktop, and currently supports Ledger, Trezor, Coinbase Wallet, meta mask, and other wallets.

Read more about Kyber Network here.

Kyber Swap Platform



Gabriel Tramble
Crypto in 60 Seconds

Bringing Blockchain Education to the real world. *not financial advice*