The Best Crypto Newsletters and Blogs

Claire Belmont
Crypto Insights
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2019

Crypto Insights is changing

Crypto Insights in the form of a weekly newsletter is stopping, however, I’ll continue to publish more in-depth posts from time to time as well as share interesting posts on Twitter (@clairebelmont).

For those who’d like to continue receiving a regular dose of crypto news, here are a few recommendations.


  • Token Economy — The most comprehensive newsletter out there. Good if you only want one weekly update.
  • Build Blockchain — Deep dives on a topic of the week. Covers news under a more technical angle. Enjoy it for the well thought through analysis’.
  • Proof of Work — Short analysis followed by dev updates from many crypto projects.
  • Staking Economy — Focuses on all things “staking.” Good to complement the above.
  • NFTY News — Focuses on Non Fungible Tokens. Good complement to the above.
  • Long Reads Sunday (by Nathaniel Whittemore) — “Bitcoin & crypto’s most interesting Twitter threads and long-form essays.”
  • Circle Research — Comprehensive research reports. Newsletter also covers top stories.
  • Massari’s Unqualified Opinions (free version)— Similar to Token Economy but less comprehensive though sometimes points to additional resources. Comes out Friday whilst Token Economy comes out Sunday/Monday so good for weekend reads.
  • The Block — Quality content and they are sometimes some of the first to announce news.
  • Chain Letter (from MIT) — Newsy stuff. Sometimes covers international organizations and foreign government news, reports, and initiatives.
  • Breaker Magazine — For profile interviews and for some fun reads.


  • AVC (Fred Wilson) — A classic.
  • Nadia Eghbal — Research focussed on open source communities. Original insights.
  • Snippets from Social Capital — Multi-week deep dives on a topic, covers crypto from time-to-time. Original perspectives.
  • Tony Sheng — “Essays on the business and strategy of crypto.”
  • Multicoin Capital — Well thought through analysis’.

Think that’s it. Sure I’ve missed something but this is already a good start.

Happy reading!



Claire Belmont
Crypto Insights

“Wisdom begins in wonder” - Socrates #Bitcoin | Product on @CeloOrg