The End of The Beginning

Claire Belmont
Crypto Insights
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2018

We’ve just begun to scratch the surface of opportunities afforded by the internet

Enjoyed “The End of the Beginning” talk by Benedict Evans, partner at 16z, on the evolution of software and why we’re just getting started. Although the presentation looks at tech overall, found it interesting because it provides a framework for placing crypto within the broader context of technological opportunities.

Watch “The End of the Beginning” here.

The End of the Beginning (YouTube)

From around the web

Visions of Ether (Medium) — Recap of how the narratives of Ethereum have evolved over time and tells the history of the network.

Vitalik Buterin On the Hard Lessons of Ethereum’s First Five Years (Breaker magazine) — Vitalik shares items on his mind 5 years into building Ethereum and lessons learnt along the way.

The Search for a Stable Cryptocurrency (Ethereum blog) by Vitalik Buterin — Tackles the question of whether fully decentralized stable currencies are feasible and whether they’re necessary.

Blockchain Ownership & Crypto Anticommons (Medium) — Explores the notion of property rights for blockchains. “What’s behind any digital token, asset, or contract is a package of rights — how we assign and interpret these rights is at the heart of blockchain governance.”

Introduction to the Melon Governance System (Medium) — Melon is a protocol for on-chain asset management. Contrarily to other projects where token holders play a role in governance, Melon is proposing an alternative model with a dedicated council responsible for protocol upgrades, resource allocation, and setting network parameters. Details in post.

Let’s take a crack at understanding distributed “consensus” (Medium) — Excellent overview and explanation of consensus mechanisms, one of the best to date.

Prediction markets (Circle blog) — Comprehensive summary of why prediction markets are worthwhile, challenges to date, and crypto projects in the space.

Grincon0 videos (YouTube) — Video recording of Grin’s (MimbleWimble) first developer conference held in Berlin.

Smiley corner 😄

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Claire Belmont
Crypto Insights

“Wisdom begins in wonder” - Socrates #Bitcoin | Product on @CeloOrg