Blockchain marketing tool shrinks campaign setup time from two weeks to ten minutes

BR Capital
Crypto insights from BR Capital
2 min readJan 26, 2021
Aggregion speeds up marketing by securely aggregating customer data from multiple sources. Image source: Aggregion

Blockchain data pioneer Aggregion, backed by BR Capital, has reported remarkable results from its project with the supermarket giant, Magnit.

These results, described in a white paper jointly authored by Aggregion and Intel, are encouraging not only for people who care about the performance and security of real-world blockchain applications, but also for anyone who is interested in the future of marketing tools and personalized advertising.

The primary purpose of the Aggregion-Magnit partnership was to enable marketing teams to better personalize ads to shoppers using customer data from multiple sources, including sources external to Magnit such as payment processors. Crucially, this multi-source data had to deliver better conversion rates without requiring private customer information to be shared between companies.

Different companies can contribute to and benefit from the platform without needing to trust each other or share private customer data. Source: Aggregion / Intel white paper.

Using Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) that are optimized for this type of “confidential computing,” the data security part of the project went exactly as planned. Sensitive data remained decentralized, rather than being stored in a central pool that would be vulnerable to attack, while smart contracts ensured that users of the system (namely, marketers and digital ad platforms) would only be able to access encrypted, anonymized and aggregated outputs from that data.

Perhaps more surprisingly, the project also delivered time efficiencies that we had not fully anticipated based on early pilots of the project. The automation and speed of Aggregion’s dashboard (shown below) meant that overall time to plan a real-world marketing campaign was reduced from two weeks down to just ten minutes. In turn, this allowed the number of personalized campaigns to be run to be increased by an order of magnitude, with 200 campaigns in the first quarter of use of the tool.

Aggregion’s dashboard drastically reduces the time it takes to set up an personalized ad campaign. Image source: Aggregion

BR Capital is proud to be a backer of Aggregion and of the underlying principle that this project demonstrates: Blockchain is not about adding layers of security on top of existing processes, but about redesigning those processes from the ground up to unlock the technology’s full potential.

We’d be happy to field media enquiries about this, and make connections to the relevant people at Aggregion and Intel. Please get in touch at



BR Capital
Crypto insights from BR Capital

Investment fund focused on blockchain and the crypto economy.