UX in the crypto space — 2

Today I bring you yet another example of an interaction that is quite common for any user of crypto wallets, and in this case, I’m talking about one of the most popular Crypto wallets: Metamask.

Among the most common interactions done via a wallet, is to pay gas fees for some sort of transaction, with smart contracts, DEXes (Decentralized Exchanges), etc.

Typical gas fee transaction screen on Metamask.

On a screen like this, where the user has to approve the transaction, it would be great to:

  • See how much is on the wallet, to be able to compare it with what I’m paying
  • And how much the user is really paying in a fiat currency of the user's choice, like dollars or euros.

This should be obvious but yet again the users are left with a product that lacks basic features.



Bruno de Oliveira Júlio
Crypto Journey

Product UX Designer | Scrum Product Owner | Desin Thinker | Crypto enthusiast