Considering joining an ICO team? Here’s what to look for.

Crypto Launchpad
Crypto Launchpad
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2018


There’s no denying that the ICO market is hot right now.

Even with the downswing in crypto prices, that’s not stopping innovate teams from looking to secure there part in this financial revolution. In fact, jobs in the blockchain industry has increased by 207% since last year, and over 630% since 2015!

This digital gold rush for jobs isn’t limited to just blockchain developers and engineers either. 50% of jobs listed for blockchain companies are for developers and architects, while the other half consists of valuable positions such as business analysts, strategy and tech consultants, tax and accounting experts, and a variety of marketing positions.

That being said, for anyone looking to take there talents to a new industry, Blockchain is looking great right now.

However, while there are thousands of great, innovative, legitimate ICO’s, there are hundreds that are potential scams with misleading products.

Before considering joining an ICO team, there’s a few things you need to look out for.

1. Experienced Team of Developers

Whether you yourself are a developer or not, it’s imperative that the engineering team behind the ICO is solid.

Most likely, the entire project and company will be based upon the developer work done, so it’s imperative that there’s good experience and skillsets on board.

This means years of relevant experience, past successes, and ability to work through challenges — because we all know they’re bound to occur in this industry.

Therefore, it’s important to do your due diligence and research each of the team members through social media networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

2. ICO is listed on Reputable Exchanges

Another part of due diligence, is checking to see if the ICO is listed on any reputable exchanges, or in the process of getting listed.

With all of the spam ICO’s and misleading projects, it’s no wonder that investors are wary nowadays.

By securing exchange listing on a reputable exchange (Cryptopia, Binance, etc), an ICO project has already verified themselves as a legitimate offering, and will be a much safer place to land investments, and therefore, jobs.

3. Concrete Roadmap for the Future

The blockchain and cryptocurrency industry is planning on being around for a long time…

ICO projects should be planning for the same thing.

Without a clear roadmap of where they’re taking not only their token, but their product and company as a whole in the future, you need to evaluate their goals and priorities as a business.

A solid, sustainable blockchain project should have a crystal clear vision of where they’re heading, and how they’re going to get there.


The ICO market is hot right now, and it looks like it’s going to stay hot for a while.

If you have any sort of startup, or development experience, and are looking for new booming opportunities, then the Blockchain world is where you should be looking.

It’s essential that before joining any teams, you have a clear vision of the company and it’s team members, so you know you and your time investment will be in good hands. is a rapidly growing service agency for ICO’s and Cryptocurrency Companies, providing ICO advisory, independent due diligence, investment banking, and marketing services.

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