“Stablecoins Are Killing It” — Episode #2, Wednesday, May 6th, 1pm–2pm EST

Lou Kerner
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2020


Register For “Stablecoins Are Killing It— Episode #3

View a recording of the show below:

We started “Stablecoins Are Killing It” because we believe that stablecoins are the the most exciting thing going on in crypto today, as witnessed by the dramatic growth in their market cap.

Our 1st episode of “Stablecoins Are Killing It”, on April 30, was entertaining, insightful, and very well attended. So we’re eager to continue the dialogue in Episode #2.

Topics we’ll discuss include what’s driving the growth of stablecoins, what stablecoins are best positioned for future growth, what the entry of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) mean, what’s up with Libra, and why Ethereum is the dominant platform for stablecoins.

We start the show with each guest giving a 5–10 minute overview of their thoughts. We then engage in highly interactive Q&A, as audience members with questions are asked to join the dialogue, creating a vibrant environment for discussion, education, and debate.

Our esteemed guests for Episode #2 are:

Joao Reginatto — VP Product at Circle, where he heads product strategy and leads USDC-related initiatives. Joao has been in tech 19+ years, leading product and engineering teams across the US, Europe and Latin America. Prior to joining Circle in 2015, Joao worked in product management, software engineering and IT architecture for both early stage businesses and Fortune 500 companies. He holds an MBA from EMLYON Business School in France and a Bachelor in Computer Science from UFRGS in Brazil.

Ryan Watkins — Research Analyst at Messari, where he covers currencies and stablecoins. Prior to joining Messari, Ryan worked as an investment banking analyst at Moelis & Company advising on mergers & acquisitions, private placements, and restructurings. Ryan holds a Bachelor of Science from Fordham University where he studied Finance & Computer Science.

Ganesh Viswanath-Natraj— Assistant Professor of Finance at Warwick Business School. Ganesh’s research focuses on arbitrage conditions in foreign exchange and cryptocurrency markets, with recent research on stablecoins, a class of cryptocurrencies that are pegged to the US Dollar. Key findings of his research are that stablecoin issuance can be explained as maintaining a decentralized system of exchange rate pegs and acting as a safe haven in the digital asset economy.

Click here to register for the event on Zoom

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Lou Kerner

Believe Crypto is the biggest thing to happen in the history of mankind. Focused on community (founded the CryptoOracle Collective & CryptoMondays)