The 5 Reasons CryptoOracle is Co-Hosting a Non-Fungible Token Conference (NFT.NYC) IN NYC 2/20

Lou Kerner
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2019


Crypto Oracle is Co-Hosting NFT.NYC, a Non-Fungible Token conference on Wednesday, February 20 at the PlayStation Theater, Times Square. If you come to CryptoMondays NYC on January 24th, you can hear NFT.NYC Founder Jodee Rich give an overview of the event, and he’ll be giving away 10 free tickets to lucky Meetup attendees.

For NFT newbies, non-fungible tokens create digital scarcity that can be verified without the need for a centralized organization to confirm authenticity. One application that has gained traction is digital collectibles that represent a digital analog to something like baseball cards. Another commonly discussed use case for non-fungible tokens is to represent scarce physical property, like unique artwork. As it’s early days in NFTs, it’s likely that the most compelling applications haven’t even been imagined yet.

With that primer, below are the 5 reasons why we’re so excited to partner with OpenSea and Coin.Kred on the event.

1. NYC Is The Crypto Capital of the World

I recognize this is an opinion and not fact. And as a New Yorker in tech for the last 19 years, I’ve often bemoaned that tech was such a small part of the NYC economy, that the tech scene always paled in comparison to other cities like San Francisco or Tel Aviv. But with it’s early focus on financial markets, New York has emerged as one of, if not the (IMHO), leading crypto cities in the world. Some people say it’s San Francisco, or some other random city. We’ve had the pleasure of co-hosting crypto conferences in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and we’ve held more than 60 Meetups in NYC just last year. But it’s very exciting to be co-hosting our first major event in the crypto capital of the world (New York).

2. NFT’s Are A Thing

While still early, NFTs are already emerging as a major force in the crypto community:

While it’s tough to get industry wide stats, in a December blog post, Decentraland noted they sold all 9,331 parcels in a recent Land auction for $6.6 million USD. So while it’s early days, NFTs are a real business, poised to rapidly scale.

3. NFT.NYC Has A GREAT Lineup of Speakers

The event has a great line up of speakers from both the NFT world and elsewhere in tech. I’m excited to hear from including David Pakman (Venrock), Michael Casey (MIT Media Labs), William Mougayar (JM3 Capital), Cassidy Robertson (Axiom Zen), and Jonny Howle (Consensys), among many others.

4. There Will be Lots of Time For Networking

NFT.NYC will bring together 400+ of the greatest minds in the NFT ecosystem from more than a dozen countries around the world. In addition to ample time to network during the breakfast hour, during breaks, and at the post event networking hour, NFT.NYC is providing 1–1 access to speakers via a unique token distributed in an NFT swag bag (the first of it’s kind). If there is a particular speaker your interested in talking with, you can trade or sell your token and get a token that provides access to the speaker you want.

5. The Playstation Theater Is An Awesome Venue

The PlayStation Theater is packed with cutting edge audio-visual capabilities to go with their 85 ft billboard in Times Square. The venue is also a great fit for NFTs given how important gaming is to the ecosystem today.

Use the code CRYPTOORACLE20 for 20% off any NFT.NYC ticket type before Feb 1

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Lou Kerner

Believe Crypto is the biggest thing to happen in the history of mankind. Focused on community (founded the CryptoOracle Collective & CryptoMondays)