Crypto Rating Council Adds Three New Asset Scores; Updates Two Existing Scores

Crypto Rating Council
Crypto Rating Council
2 min readApr 2, 2020

The Crypto Rating Council (CRC) is pleased to announce the publication of three new asset scores and updates to two previously-published scores.

The newly published scores are for: Basic Attention Token (BAT), USDCoin (USDC), and Iota (IOTA), each of which are traded, transacted or supported in some capacity as a non-security by at least one CRC member’s U.S. business. The CRC also periodically reviews previously published scores based on new developments and its understanding of available facts and has updated scores for Maker (MKR) and Polymath (POLY). The ratings for each asset, and other assets previously reviewed by the CRC, are published to our Asset Ratings page.

We have provided or updated the summaries of each published or updated rating to provide up-to-date facts, as we understand them, relevant to the CRC’s analysis for each asset. These facts are meant to provide a general overview of the crypto asset and associated project, and do not necessarily encompass key or determinative facts to any given asset’s analysis or score. As a reminder, a score of 1 means the CRC’s analysis found that an asset has few or no characteristics consistent with treatment as a security while a score of 5 means the CRC’s analysis found that an asset has more characteristics strongly consistent with treatment as a security under U.S. law. The CRC’s analysis is its own and is not endorsed by developer teams, regulators, or any other third party.

In the coming months, the CRC expects to release its analytical framework, publish additional asset scores, and continue to engage the developer community. If you are a crypto business and wish to join the CRC or if you are an asset developer and wish to learn more about the CRC’s work, please reach out through our contact page or through any CRC member firm.



Crypto Rating Council
Crypto Rating Council

Leading crypto financial services firms committed to practical compliance with the U.S. securities laws.