Alpha 0.8 Crafting

Ruby Delgado
Crypto Space Commander
6 min readFeb 19, 2020

Hello Commanders! The long-awaited Crafting is almost here! This is a feature that we have all been so excited to release. It’s a major feature for CSC and one that really pushes CSC closer to a full 1.0 experience. Crafting has gone through different iterations of design and has been changed and adjusted accordingly for months now. For instance, within the CSC Universe Crafting is now referred to as manufacturing. During this initial release, we will be watching closely to see how you the community are liking it and how we can adjust. The UI of Manufacturing is still temporary while we design out all of CSC’s UI. (That’s for a later update). There is a lot to know about Manufacturing so lets jump right in.

*** CSC is a game in development, that is in Alpha. We EXPECT ongoing and multiple changes to Refining and Manufacturing recipes until we hit 1.0.***


Commanders will be able to access Manufacturing through Stations and choosing the Manufacture Option on the left. Similar to the Workshop, users will have to purchase a facility or use someone else’s public facility.

Once you have somewhere to manufacture, you will want to Deconstruct items for blueprints or search for blueprints in the Marketplace. NPCs also have a slim chance at dropping blueprints.

When Deconstructing you will have two options: (1)Recover 30% of Resources and 1 Blueprint or (2)Recover 50% of Resources. When deconstructing you are gaining some of the components that make up that item. How much of those components you get is dependent on which option you choose.

To begin attempting to manufacture an item you are going to need that module’s Blueprint. Once you have a blueprint, you can consume that blueprint and from that you gain a level in mastery. The more blueprints you consume, the more your skill points increase and get you closer to Mastery level. Or you can sell the blueprint on the Marketplace!

The higher level you have in a mastery of an item, the more likely you will successfully craft said module. For instance, if your skill points are at 50/100 for Tech 1 (T1), then you have a 50% success rate chance.

In the above example, you can see that there are 50 skill points out of 100 for the Xeno 1 Pulse Scanner Tech 1. At the bottom right, you will see that this means you have a 50% success rate chance. On failed attempts you receive back 50% of resources. Below that is the Invention Chance and this indicates the chance of a higher tech level. The Build Requirements shows what components are needed to manufacture the Xeno 1 Pulse Scanner and how many of those components are needed. 1475 Goethite crystals are needed, the UI shows that I have 1475/1475. In parentheses after that, the UI indicates that in total I have 4,939 Goethite Crystals.

When you are ready to being Manufacturing, click on the facility you will be Manufacturing out of and you still see the Start button light up. When Manufacturing, users are limited to Manufacturing no more than 10 items per job. In this example, we will be attempting to manufacture 2 Xeno 1 Pulse Scanners.

Back at the main Manufacturing screen you will see the total time of the Job and you will need to come back later. You will also see a bar progressivley filling up to indicate how much time is left on your job.

From our 2 attempts with a 50/100 Mastery Points we have successfully manufactured 1 Xeno 1 Pulse Scanner!

The failed attempt returned 50% of the resources, and we will have to try again later when we have enough resources again. To better our chances of successes we will want to consider getting more blueprints so as not to lose anymore hard earned components.

Manufacturing Outcome Examples:

1 Bpt of a Reaper Interceptor T1:
1% Chance of creation (1/ 100 Bpts)
0.04% Chance of creation of T2 (1 / 2500 Bpts)
98.96% Chance of 50% of resources lost

100 Bpt of a Reaper Interceptor T1:
100% Chance of creation (100 / 100 Bpts)
4% Chance of creation of T2 (100 / 2500 Bpts)
0% Chance of 50% of resources lost

1 Bpt of a Reaper Interceptor T2:
0.2% Chance of creation of T2 (1 / 500 Bpts)
0.008% Chance of creation of T3 (1 / 12500 Bpts)
99.79% Chance of 50% of resources lost

100 Bpt of a Reaper Interceptor T2:
20% Chance of creation of T2 (100 / 500 Bpts)
0.8% Chance of creation of T3 (100 / 12500 Bpts)
79.2% Chance of 50% of resources lost

1 Bpt of a Reaper Interceptor T3:
0.04% Chance of creation of T3 (1 / 2500 Bpts)
0.0016% Chance of creation of T4 (1 / 62500 Bpts)
94.98% Chance of 50% of resources lost

This continues in the same way for all Tech Levels.

Tech Level Master Scale:
Tech Level 1–100 Blueprint Points
Tech Level 2–500 Blueprint Points
Tech Level 3–2500 Blueprint Points
Tech Level 4–12,500 Blueprint Points
Tech Level 5–62,500 Blueprint Points
Tech Level N — Previous Blueprint Point Total * 5

Ship Manufacturing

Something new we added into the mix are Subcomponents. These Subcomponents are used to manufacture ships. Common, Uncommon, and Rare Components are used to manufacture the basic Subcomponents found in every ship, while Ultra Rare and Exotic Components are used to manufacture the more advanced Subcomponents in the larger class ships.

To view Ship recipes versus Module Recipes, toggle between the two options from the top menu with in the Manufacture screen:

Manufacturing a ship will be a time consuming effort when gathering both the resources, components and Subcomponents. Commanders might want to at times use the Marketplace to help aid their efforts or even mark a corner in the market as the one offering such valuable parts.


This is still the first version of Manufacturing/Crafting! There were some elements we were not able to get in on this first release like the mastery grid. This feature is expected to be released post 1.0

We’ll be watching closely the first few weeks to see how 0.8 is running, if you run into any issues or bugs please contact us through our support portal.

Safe flying Commanders

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