CSC Supply Crate Sale & Web Updates

Ruby Delgado
Crypto Space Commander
5 min readMay 23, 2019

Greetings Commanders!

After some long weeks and all-nighters, we have released the updated CSC website! It features a whole new backend framework that will support our near and long-term goals. This was a big foundational step for us and we’re excited to unveil it to you all! Most notability we have a working Check-in and out system that is ready to support the masses as we near Steam release!

So let's get into everything we need to cover about these updates as well as the Galactic Supply Sale!

Website Updates

  1. Verify ETH Address — The new site will require everyone to re-verify an ETH address. Don’t worry though, your items are still in your Ethereum wallet. This will link that address to our new and improved Scarcity Engine 2.0. SE is our internal toolset and side-chain like solution to mitigate the need for gas except when taking the asset out of the Universe.
  2. Hardware Wallet Support — Hardware wallets are now supported through Metamask Connect. Compatibility with Ledger Nano S confirmed.
  3. Legacy ETH Hangar — The link to the legacy ETH hangar has been moved to the footer of the website. This is if you want to see what's on your blockchain, how many resources you have. It will eventually be retired as we add more features to support both ETH and non-ETH users.
  4. Check In/Check Out — Your inventory assets now have a check in and check out system. For now, check-in will not be required to use assets in-game, but eventually will be required. A potential issue to be wary of is if an item is sent while you are still “in” the item; this action might temporarily break your account and you will need to submit a support ticket to us through our website. In the near future, we will be implementing a full Check-In requirement for using items in CSC. Items opened through Supply Crates are spawned and checked in by default. If an item is checked in, it will not show in your Ethereum wallet but it will show in the CSC site. It is being held in custody in one of our CSC gaming contracts to better facilitate in-game asset transfers, trades, damage, and stats. These items can be checked out at any time and depending on network traffic this can take a few minutes. This item will then be returned to your personal wallet. This is beneficial for high-value items.
  5. Search — Search functionality currently works in user inventory. Filters and faceting will be coming shortly.
  6. Beta Test — This new site launch is essentially a Beta test, so please let us know right away if you have any issues. We would like to fix any bugs that pop up for users asap!

Referral System — Supply Crate Sale

Copy your referral link to send to a new commander

In preparation for our Expedition Supply Crate Series 1 sale (ESC01 for short)we are rolling out a Referral Bounty System. For a limited time receive 5% of the ETH (or equivalent in GFC amounts for other payment methods) for purchases made by a person who signs up with your referral code. You can find your referral code when you’re logged in and you go to the Store page. If your CSC account has a verified ETH address you will receive the 5% in ETH. Un-verified ETH addresses will receive the 5% credit in GFC. USD users will receive the credit in GFC. This Referral program is still subject to change as this is our first draft, but we will be starting with a 5% bounty for new users referred and what they purchase.

Difficulty rates increase as rare items are discovered

Supply Crates Release Schedule: Before we release the sale officially, we’re letting you guys in our community in first. So for 1 hour On TUESDAY 5/28/19 between 4–5 PM PST the sale will be unlocked (we will post on Discord when the 1-hour sale is live). After that hour is up, the sale will be locked until the following day when we release it for the official launch. That will be WEDNESDAY 5/29/19 at 5pm PST. We will use the 1 hour Community sale to measure sale volume and test the rarity of items. If we see any immediate issues, we will close the sale before the hour is up. As rare items are discovered, the difficulty rate increases. You can see these rates in the Rare Supplies drop-down. All rates are subject to change until our official launch on Wednesday. Item names, descriptions, manufacturers, and some stats and are subject to change as the game is in development. All of these aspects will be refined all the way through Wednesday. However, we will always honor strong items being stronger than others, rare items rarer than others, and higher tech levels will always be more valuable.


We plan to have client updates and a playable release that will feature some new backend updates as well as some redesigned Station UI by the end of next week. Once this build is live, players can enjoy their newly purchased ships and modules. Module functionality is still in development, so some may not be fully functioning while others are subject to change in stats and performance. By the launch of Supply Crate sales next week we should have a more comprehensive build but that is TBD.


Thank you! That wraps up our updates for now. Keep up with our socials listed below to follow the Steam release and the Supply Crate Sale!

Fly safe, commanders!

