Expansion Wars + 1.0 Launch

Ruby Delgado
Crypto Space Commander
4 min readSep 3, 2020

CSC launches out of Steam Early Access with the release of Build 1.0!

Out of Early Access

With the release of 1.0 comes full persistence and CSC officially in Beta! 1.0 releases at 3 pm PDT on 9/3. CSC will also be rolling out 200+ star systems over the coming weeks further expanding the CSC Universe. Guild Creation will also be enabled and will cost 500 GFC for users to create their own guild. Additionally, this means 100% destruction of modules, resources, and ships (depending on Insurance) when in Fringe space. In Core space; modules will be returned to the User’s Home Station but your ship, ore and other resources (like subcomponents) will drop and be destroyed as normal.


All ships start with 1 free reclaim(except crafted), if you have an FF ship you have unlimited replication. For all other ships, users should consider various insurance options below depending on what suits the needs of the user and the ship to prevent permanent loss or a form of reparation.

After each destruction of your ship, you can redeem your insurance policy and recover either the value of your ship, parts to build a ship, or even full replication of the ship. What you can select from is determined by the type of insurance policy you purchased BEFORE your ship was destroyed.

Once your ship is reclaimed you will LOSE that insurance policy and will have to purchase a new one for that ship.

(Update 9/3/20 4:00pm PST — We have changed one of the insurance options to remove the average market value policy. This has been replaced GRP value amount based on multiple of the plan’s cost. This will provide a more balanced payout for insurance claims as we collect more data points to determine the average GRP value of each ship)


  • 60 % of resources required to manufacture ship
  • A multiple of the GRP insurance policy cost will be paid. The current multiple is set to 10 x Plan Cost.


  • 100 % of resources required to manufacture ship
  • A multiple of the GRP insurance policy cost will be paid. The current multiple is set to 10 x Plan Cost.


  • A multiple of the GRP insurance policy cost will be paid. The current multiple is set to 10 x Plan Cost.
  • Replication of the ship at 50% of average manufacturing time (Reclaim becomes available after 50% of ship’s crafting time has passed)

GFI Premium

  • Single-use replication (Unlimited for First Fleet Ships) with cool down delays. The destruction count is tracked on a ship basis. The count is cleared only after the ship has gone 2 weeks without any insurance claims processed. See below for the cooldown time.

Each Insurance Plan has varying prices based on a ship’s class.

***These will be going UP in the near future.***

CSC will continue to receive new updates post 1.0. Upcoming features commanders can look forward to are the addition of Creatures and organics being added to the CSC universe.

Also launching with 1.0 is the Expansion Wars! Expansion Wars and 1.0 launches at 3 pm PDT on 9/3.

Expansion Wars

The galactic tug-of-war has begun in this 6-week-long event! Galactic Federation Industries and the Free Space Coalition are at war for ownership of system 61 Sigma Draconis! Will you fight under the command of Commander Selene Drakos as the GFI rush to complete the all new Phora Station. Or will you align with FSC Commander Sasha Voltaire and her outlaws station at Miranda Outpost, determined to maintain control of the system? Join the Expansion Wars, choose your alliance & help define the future!

During this new Event, two new Dreadnaught ships have a chance at being dropped as a blueprint: FSC Starcrawler and the Phoenix Fusion.

FSC Starcrawler
Phoenix Fusion
  • Battle FSC Pirates or the GFI themselves in this galactic war!
  • Discover New Dreadnaught FSC ships Fusion and Starcrawler blueprints available from NPC drops!
  • Join the effort by gathering resources for your chosen side to aide the expansion efforts!
  • Infiltrate an FSC Outpost to get intel for the GFI or work with an FSC mole to discover information about the GFI’s expansion plans!

This event ends 10/15 at 6pm PDT, who will you decide is the victor?

Sign Up & Learn More at CSC-Game.com

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