Our Commanders’ Most Frequently Asked Questions

Shervin Zadeh
Crypto Space Commander
7 min readMay 10, 2018

Greetings, Commanders!

Many of you have had some questions about the early development of Crypto Space Commander. These questions have helped us immensely in scoping out what we need to accomplish to get CSC to where we want it to be.

Here are a few of the most frequently asked general questions as well as a handful of questions specific to our upcoming mini-game, Mining Expedition Alpha:

General FAQs

Q: When will the game release?

A: Current plans are to launch our first Alpha on TestNet this June, and the Ethereum MainNet Beta will be targeting August this year.

Q: How long will the ship sale last?

A: No defined time frame yet, so currently until all ships sell out!

Q: Will there be a closed beta?

A: We will have a closed alpha, limited to invites and anyone who has a pre-sale ship/voucher. The current plan is to have a Beta open to all.

Q: Why should I spend my hard-earned Ether on this game?

A: CSC lets players experience an MMO space adventure while also participating in a true user-run economy. Buying ships early will give you an advantage later on once we sell out because we’re only selling a limited amount of ships. Early adopters will then have the opportunity to craft or sell ships to new users in the in-game marketplace.

Q: How much ETH needs to be spent to fully experience this game?

A: As of the publishing of this post, 0.047 ETH, which is the current cost of a Reaper Interceptor. You can use that ship to earn resources, craft better ships, discover blueprints, and other in-game items that you can turn into profit.

Our intent is to allow commanders to grind (in a reasonable amount of time) and earn better ships and equipment, even with entry-level ships. Almost ANY ship you get will allow you to perform every function in the game — some just perform certain tasks better than others. Pre-launch sale ships come with Unlimited Insurance, meaning the ship can respawn indefinitely if destroyed during gameplay. Only pre-launch ships received this perk in order to protect their value for early commanders as we develop the game, and also to provide the only opportunity to explore the CSC universe risk-free. Along with this perk, commanders will also receive the Crafting Knowledge for the ships — something that isn’t available to all commanders from the start.

Q: How much of the game is off-chain?

A: A majority of CSC’s gameplay will take place off-chain, while all economic activities (trading, marketplace, crafting, and ore processing) will take place on-chain. We do this to minimize the cost to play while still provide full ownership and a transparent economy to our players.

Resources and their rarity

Q: Do I have to pay gas every time I gather resources?

A: Any sort of ownership or transfer of ownership will be on-chain. No gas fees when mining or collecting resources — only gas to refine or package them.

In the upcoming versions of CSC, mining will take place on a system similar to Plasma Cash. That means all mining activity can be performed with no gas cost, but once you want to sell you’ll have to pay a fee to refine it and put it back on-chain.

Q: What’s Plasma Cash?

A: It’s a method of handling Ethereum assets off-chain but still provides the owner with the ability to put assets back on-chain, synchronized, when requested. Our system is similar to Plasma Cash but will have mechanics that are unique and required to support our gameplay.

Q: With a voucher, will I be able to select the ship that I get within that class?

A: Yes, you’ll be able to select any ship within a class that exists in the game at that time.

Q: Do I get free vouchers for referring others?

A: Yes! This can be done on the Enlist page (https://www.csc-game.com/enlist). However, this promo will end at some point before launch.

Q: Is there value in having more than one type of ship?

A: Yes, you’d want multiple of the same ship for a variety of reasons. Most importantly would be for trading and reselling. Ships are going to be very limited in quantity, and these early ships are all that will be available pre-launch. This means new players coming in will depend on existing players to provide them with ships.

Also, having multiple of the same type of ship will let you keep different configurations ready for quick swap outs, such as changing from a mining ship to a battle cruiser.

Reaper Interceptor
Phoenix Cruiser
Vulcan Harvester

Q: Can ships be traded or sold?

A: Absolutely. We’ll have both ship and item marketplaces.

Q: What’s the current trade plan? Something like Etherbay?

A: Yes, the marketplace will work like OpenSea or Etherbay but specifically for CSC game assets. The marketplace will go live pre-launch to allow initial trading and sale of all in-game assets.

Q: How much will ships cost after pre-sale?

A: Since we won’t be selling any of the pre-sale ships again, it will be up to the commanders that already have ships and crafting knowledge to provide the supply to new commanders. This means prices are entirely player-controlled.

Q: Can you mine, trade, explore, and battle with every type of ship?

A: Yes, but the stats of each ship are different. However, ships will always perform better at their primary tasks than other types of ships, especially when upgraded.

Q: Do ships mine CSC tokens?

A: No, there is no CSC currency token. To keep it simple, CSC will use ETH as the universal currency. Materials and ships will be a mix of ERC-20 and ERC-721 assets.

Mining ships are only able to mine for resources.

Q: Can ships be destroyed permanently?

A: The current answer is yes, they can. However, pre-sale ships have Unlimited Loss Replication, which serves as an automatic insurance policy that replaces them once destroyed.

Q: What are Hardpoints?

A: Hardpoints dictate how many turret-based modules you can equip, such as missile bays or laser turrets.

Q: Will there be guilds or groups? And can I store items in a bank-like system?

A: Commanders will be able to create groups with set rules and guidelines, and guilds can be established at certain levels. A bank-like storage system will definitely be implemented to store your items.

Q: Is this a browser game?

A: Browser, PC, and mobile. CSC will be playable via Unity WebGL and MetaMask on browser and a PC standalone build, and we’ll also have an Android/iOS version with a built-in ETH wallet.

Mining Expedition Alpha

Q: CSC is hosting a mini-game for early adopters?

A: Yes! As a bonus to early adopters, we’ll be launching a mini-game mission, Mining Expedition Alpha, on May 10th. Commanders will be able to send out their ships to mine automatically and return with core and rare resources.

Q: Can you send out multiple ships at once in the mini-game? How about vouchers?

A: Yes, you can send multiple ships, and the more ships you have, the more you can mine for resources. For the purpose of MEA, vouchers will function just like a ship.

For example, if you have 5 Vulcan Harvesters, you can send each one out on a mission, multiplying your chances of finding rare resources. Definitely an advantage.

Q: So can you send vouchers out without redeeming them during MEA?

A: Correct. They won’t be redeemed, but you can use them as ships.

Q: Will Reaper Interceptors be able to mine?

A: You can mine with any ship or voucher, but each ship has a specialization where it will always outperform other ships.

For example, you can still mine with a Phoenix or Reaper, but you’ll get a lot more with a mining-focused ship like a Vulcan Harvester or the Prometheus Voucher.

Got a question that you didn’t see answered here? Head to our Telegram and Discord channels to ask us directly! A big thanks to our community for all your support, and keep the questions coming!

The CSC Pre-launch Ship Sale is going on now at https://www.csc-game.com/sale.

Feel free to join us on Telegram or Discord to discuss CSC in general.
Safe flying, commanders!

