Proxima Trading Outpost — Rarest Item Offered in CSC

Fazri Zubair
Crypto Space Commander
4 min readApr 12, 2018

Proxima Trading Outpost is an extremely rare item in the CSC universe, so rare we’ll NEVER offer anything like this again. To understand why, let me go into a little bit of the economics and structure of CSC’s P2P Marketplaces.

In CSC, space will be divided into two regions we call Core and Fringe. Core Space is under direct control of the Galactic Federation (the devs), so in Core Space players are relatively safe from ambushes and PvP attacks — there are some rare instances where it’ll still be possible, but we’ll get into that in a future blog post. Fringe Space is lawless, and players are free to do what they want with no effect on reputation or status. NPCs in Fringe Space are much more unforgiving, and other species might be lurking in the darkness for a bold commander to find — again, more on that in another post.

Core Space will encompass a 10–15 light year radius around Sol with major solar systems acting as hubs. At these systems, players will be able to dock at trading outposts to refine ore, buy/sell goods, craft items, and more. Each trading outpost action is an Ethereum contract transaction, and some actions will have associated fees along with gas cost. The fees collected at these outposts in Core Space will be collected and used by the Galactic Federation to keep the empire running (server cost, game updates, new content, and maintenance). Each outpost will be represented by its OWN Ethereum contract, and each contract will be managed independently and has a governor address. As the governor of an outpost, defined by your ETH address being set on the Ethereum contract, you can set the fees and tax rates for transactions whenever another player uses your facility. Any outposts in close proximity to the core of Core Space will be more expensive to use as they offer more convenience and provide greater security. Outposts found on the outskirts of Core Space will have lower rates, but they’ll also require a commander to TRAVEL to them before they can transact. This limitation is made possible by our Ethereum contracts having the ability to poll a Game Oracle to get the current player’s position in the universe before processing a transaction (more on the awesome tech we made to do this in another future post).

Based on this mechanic and the relative starting location for all new players, outposts near the heart of Core Space will inherently get more traffic and earn more revenue. The Proxima Trading Outpost will be the CLOSEST outpost not in the Sol system (Earth’s solar system) and will be the ONLY outpost in the game at launch that is player-owned. We will never sell rights to another outpost in Core Space again.

Commanders will eventually be able to construct or buy outposts in Fringe Space, but this won’t be an easy thing to do. We project months, if not a full year, before the first player-owned or player-built outpost in Fringe Space will be established (sooner if players really cooperate and pool their resources. So…clans? Why yes, yet again, more in a future post!).

So, the wise and lucky commander who secures Proxima Trading Outpost will have governor rights on the Proxima Ethereum contract. This would allow that player to set rates and fees (even the ability to undercut our prices), collecting 95% of all revenue generated. In all outpost ownership scenarios, their will be a 5% fixed Galactic Federation franchise fee that is applied to all outpost fees collected in Core or Fringe Space.

Now that you have a base understanding of outposts and how they work, let’s look at an example. Please keep in mind that these are just estimates used for this example and are not predictions or guarantees of outcome.

Let’s assume Proxima Trading Outpost gets 1,500 commanders visiting in a single week. In that week the outpost sees 2,500 sale transactions, 50 ships crafted, and 18,000 tons of ore processed.

The 2,500 of sales transactions totaled 12.5 ETH in volume. As the governor, you set your sales tax rate to 3.75% (similar to CryptoKitties). With that rate set, Proxima Trading Outpost will have earned 0.46875 ETH for the week.

During that same week, 50 ships were crafted using your outpost’s workshops. You only have so many workshop slots, so you set the crafting fee to 0.01 ETH. You know people will pay it as the next closest trading outpost is in Sol, and its crafting slots are always full and way too expensive. Proxima Trading Outpost will have earned 0.5 ETH for the week.

Being in a Core Space system, you don’t have the best ore, but you have A LOT of common ore. A dozen or so new commanders decided to grind out your belts and mine 18,000 tons of ore. They don’t have the ability to move that much around, so they decide to refine the ore and sell it here. You set the ore processing fee at 0.00005 ETH per ton. From this week’s haul of ore, Proxima Trading Outpost will have earned 0.9 ETH.

So in just one week, Proxima Trading Outpost has earned about 1.86875 ETH total with the governor receiving 1.7753125 ETH — not bad for a week! Again, all these numbers are PURELY examples.

I hope this gives you, our first commanders, a better idea on how outposts will work in the CSC universe. Feel free to reach out to us with any comments or questions. We would love to hear from you!

Get more info and checkout our pre-sale at

Interested in becoming the Governor of Proxima Trading Outpost? Check out the live auction at

