Series 3 — Transportation

Ruby Delgado
Crypto Space Commander
4 min readDec 6, 2019

Series 3 is almost here, we are preparing to launch this crate sale at 3PM PST on December 6th. This Series will focus primarily on the transportation aspect of the game, in particular, the transport of personnel. In addition to transportation modules, you will also find a nice spread of defensive equipment that would aid any Commander looking to make an in-game career as a transporter. In addition to these modules, Series 3 will also be launching with three new ships. They are the G.L.A.M. Horizon, G.L.A.M. Oasis, and Vulcan Crusader.


The G.L.A.M. Horizon is one of the biggest ships of the Prometheus Class. While it’s slow at subluminal speeds it makes up for it with industry-leading FTL drive. The Horizon has the best in class interstellar and slipstream drive giving its passengers a smooth and quick ride to there destinations. Its intuitive design allows you to hold 300% MORE passengers in your cabins. Its ample personal storage also reduced the transportation weight per passenger by 99%. All this personnel room and FTL speed comes at a cost, the Horizon has very LIMITED cargo capacity.

The G.L.A.M. Oasis is a large ship for the Corsair Class. It performs well at subluminal speeds and also includes G.L.A.M.’s industry-leading FTL drive. This makes Oasis not only a great personal transport but also, properly equipped, a decent scout/exploration vessel. Its intuitive design allows you to hold 200% MORE passengers in your cabins. Its ample personal storage also reduced the transportation weight per passenger by 99%. As with its larger sister ship, the Oasis also has very LIMITED cargo capacity.

The Crusader First Fleet Edition ship is the largest cargo transport in the game. It has a decent FTL speed for its size and a base cargo capacity of 840 million kg. Also being a First Fleet Ship the Crusader comes with lifetime destruction insurance backed by Galactic Federation Industries.

Changes In Series 3

Unlike past releases, Series 3 will have a rotating set of Rare Items that will provide us the opportunity to introduce new modules, equipment, and ships into the game. This means all Rare Items in Series 3 (except for the Crusader FF) can and will be removed, adjusted or rotated out when we want to introduce new features into the game. These new items will be typically tied to patch releases that enables new functionality. With all changes/removals of items, 24 hour notice will be provided on our social channels and through in-game notices. This change allows us to have some flexibility, control scarcity and provide incentives/rewards for events.

For this first week: 12/6 - 12/13, we are offering a bonus on all Series 3 Crates purchased. 1,000 GRP for Transportation Crates, 350 GRP for SERIES 3 Premium, 150 GRP SERIES 3 Prestige, and 75 SERIES 3 Founders.

Some new items to expect in the following weeks are listed below:
- EMP Modules
- Missile Point Defense Modules
- Longer Range Jump Drives
- Improved Armor & Hull Repair Modules
- Deep Core Mining / Ice Mining / Harvesting & Seeding Modules
- Combat / Defense Drones
- Tractor Beams
- Target Lock Scramblers
- FTL Traps
- Mining Drones / Persistent Miners

Series 3 Events & Missions

During the next few weeks, we will be introducing missions focused around the transportation of personnel and cargo. These missions will work in two steps requiring commanders to first source missions that requires GRP and gives you Cargo or Personnel as a reward. Second, find a mission that requires that specific Personnel or Cargo and pay you a higher price of GRP for them. These missions will be the first attempt at jump-starting our GRP / NPC economy. Our goal is to allow the savvy transport Commander the ability to find profitable routes between Star Systems and run that delivery as it exists/remain profitable. So now what do you do with all that additional GRP you earn? Well, Commanders should be on the lookout for Supply Crate Drop Missions. These rare, randomly generated missions that can be at any station will require GRP but provide a Commander with Transportation Supply Crates as the reward. Series 3 transportation events will start at 4 PM PST 12/6.

In addition to these missions, we will be running several Community Goal Events. During these events, Commanders will need to move cargo/personnel to a specific station. At the end of the event, the Top Ranked Commanders (Based on % contributed to the event) will be rewarded with Supply Crates, Ships or equivalent rewards. These events will be announced in-game and on our Social Media channels.

That’s all for today Commander, I do hope you are looking forward to Series 3 and the updates we have in store. For now, Safe Flying!

Drop rates are still being adjusted but before the 3PM PST launch of Series 3, drop rates will be finalized.

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