Ship Modules and Blueprints in CSC

Fazri Zubair
Crypto Space Commander
11 min readJun 6, 2018

Hello Commanders! Today we are going to take a deeper dive into ship modules, crafting, deconstruction, and blueprints in CSC.

As a commander in the CSC EtherVerse you are always looking for an edge. Be it in battle, on a trade mission or in a mining op, how your ship is loaded out will make the difference between success or failure. Loadouts and ship customization in CSC are facilitated through the use of modules that can be attached to your ship. Modules can add or augment a ship’s functionality. Modules include everything from cargo expanders, turrets, and mining lasers to ship cloaking devices.

A ship with an empty module grid containing 20 slots

Each ship in CSC has a fixed amount of module slots and hardpoints, which are presented in an X by Y grid. The ability to add modules depends on the module’s size and if the module can conform to the available space on your ship. Multiples of the same module can be added to a ship, giving the ability to stack augmentations or add duplicates of the same weapon with some limitations. Weapons, mining lasers, or any turreted module will require a hardpoint to use. If a ship has 5 hardpoints, ONLY 5 turreted modules can be added to the ship regardless of how many open module slots remain. See the following loadout example of how modules can affect the stats on a ship.

Corsair Sample Loadout & Stats

Modules can also take damage. If damaged, modules can run out of durability and become disabled. Disabled modules must be repaired before they can be used again. Repairing modules requires refined resources, and depending on the module type, specific resources may be required for repair. Some modules, such as Cargo Modules, may experience debuffs, including limited storage space and overall reduced speeds if they are being used and have taken damage.

Deconstructing a module recovers some of its crafting resources and can provide a commander with a piece of its crafting knowledge. This crafting knowledge component can be used to attempt to craft that item OR you can combine multiple components to create a blueprint.

Blueprints in CSC are representations of a player’s crafting knowledge. The player can attempt to craft without a blueprint, but the end product will be low quality or may not be successfully created. Successfully crafting items will give commanders blueprint knowledge pieces. These pieces can be found in the CSC universe or earned via crafting attempts. Depending on the item, X number of pieces are required to create a completed blueprint. Once a blueprint is crafted, the commander can use it to make that item consistently at base stats. Each time a commander crafts an item he / she will get additional blueprint pieces. These pieces can be added to a blueprint to increase its state level (+1, +2, +N) or be used to create another blueprint copy. A commander can use any blueprint he / she owns anywhere in the EtherVerse. If a commander has more than 1 type of blueprint he / she can choose which blueprint they would like to use to craft their next item. Blueprint pieces are off-chain items, but blueprints crafted from pieces will be ERC-721 items and can be traded and sold on the CSC marketplace.

Below are examples of module types, specific modules, and the specifications of each module. Please note that all module names, stats, and functions are subject to change.

For Detailed and Updated Module Information — CSC Module Google Doc

Weapon Modules (Energy)

Energy-based weapons that require power core modules to operate.

Light Weapons — These do minimal amounts of damage, but at a low energy cost and quick fire rate. Can be retrofitted to any class ship.

  • Anti-Shield Beam
    Damage: 5 dmg per second
    Fire Rate: Channeled
    Power Consumption Passive: 10 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 1 kw per second
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325
    Additional Information: Effective weapon for draining energy shields

Medium Weapons — These do medium damage, but at a moderate energy cost at a moderate fire rate. Can be retrofitted to any class ship.

  • Reaper Leech Beam
    Damage: 10 dmg per second
    Fire Rate: Channeled
    Power Consumption Passive: 20 kw per second
    Power Consumption Active: 5 kw per second
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325
    Additional Information: Reaper-edition beam weapon gains bonus to draining energy shields
  • HCP Rail Cannon
    Damage: 50 dmg per round
    Fire Rate: 1 round per 3 seconds
    Power Consumption Passive: 50 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 100 kw of power per shot
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325
    Additional Information: The Rail Cannon can drain energy shields in bursts, but requires a higher amount of power to fire
  • Tractor Snare
    Damage: N/A
    Snare Range: 1 km
    Speed Reduction: 50%
    Power Consumption Passive: 30 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 1 kw per second
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325
    Additional Information: Fires a directed beam that reduces engine speed

Heavy Weapons — These do high amounts of damage, but at a high energy cost and slow fire rate. Can be retrofitted to ships medium and above.

  • Reaper Class 3 Railgun
    Damage: 100 dmg per round
    Fire Rate: 1 round per 5 seconds
    Power Consumption Passive: 100 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 250 kw of power per shot
    Module Size: 3x3
    Module Durability: 500
    Additional Information: Deals a high amount of damage to energy shields at a very high energy cost. Ideal weapon for Prometheus Class Starships, but can be found on smaller Corsair Class Starships
  • FTL Disruption Device (AOE)
    Damage: N/A
    Fire Rate: 1 pulse per 10 seconds
    Effective Radius: 5 km
    Disruption Duration: 60 seconds
    Power Consumption Passive: 100 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 200 kw of power per shot
    Module Size: 3x3
    Module Durability: 500
    Additional Information: Firing off this device will disable the ability for any ship to enter slipstream or activate their FTL drives for the disruption duration
An energy weapon module

Weapon Modules (Projectile)

These weapons fire physical ammunition. They require cargo space to hold ammunition and have a tendency to overheat from rapid use.

Light Weapons — These are heavy machine guns and mini-warhead cannons that can be reloaded fairly quickly. Can be retrofitted to any class ship.

  • Reaper MG100
    Damage: 10 dmg per round
    Fire Rate: 10 rounds per second
    Power Consumption Passive: 10 kw
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325
    Ammo: 50 caliber rounds
    Ammo Capacity: 100 rounds at 1 ton
    Additional Information: Weak against energy-based shields. This is Reaper’s most popular starship weapon

Medium Weapons — These are high-impact weapons with a moderate reload rate, such as cannons and missile launchers. Can be retrofitted to any class ship.

  • Quantum XR1
    Damage: 25 dmg per round
    Fire Rate: 5 rounds per second
    Power Consumption Passive: 20 kw
    Module Size: 3x3
    Module Durability: 500
    Ammo: 50 caliber quantum rounds
    Ammo Capacity: 100 rounds at 3 tons
    Additional Information: With explosive tips, this weapon deals high damage against the heaviest of hull armor

Heavy Weapons — These are weapons that deal the most damage but require high amounts of cargo space to hold ammo, such as large warhead and cluster bombs. Reload time is significantly longer using heavy weapons. Can be retrofitted to medium class ships and above.

  • Nuclear Missile Battery
    Damage: 250 damage per round
    Fire Rate: 1 round per 5 seconds
    Power Consumption Passive: 50 kw
    Module Size: 5x5
    Module Durability: 750
    Ammo: Missile outfitted with nuclear warhead tip
    Ammo Capacity: 1 round at 1 ton
    Additional Information: Devastating power and damage to most hull armor. Can be outfitted onto select Prometheus Class Starships and any Capital Class Starship
  • Anti-Matter Missile Battery
    Damage: 300 damage per round
    Fire Rate: 1 round per 6 seconds
    Power Consumption Passive: 50 kw
    Module Size: 5x5
    Module Durability: 750
    Ammo: Missile with antimatter core
    Ammo Capacity: 1 round at 1 ton
    Additional Information: Can be outfitted onto select Prometheus Class Starships and any Capital Class Starship
  • Anti-Matter Pulse Torpedo
    Damage: 200 damage per round
    Fire Rate: 1 round per 5 seconds
    Power Consumption Passive: 50 kw
    Module Size: 5x5
    Module Durability: 750
    Ammo: High speed missile with reduced antimatter core
    Ammo Capacity: 1 round at 1 ton
    Additional Information: Anti-matter held in a magnetic field that fires at 1/3 light speed. Can be outfitted onto select Prometheus Class Starships, and any Capital Class Starship
A projectile weapon module

Armor Modules

Various types of armor help defend against incoming fire.

Light Armor — Maintaining agility over brawn, light armor is good for scout class ships and high-mobility ships. Can be retrofitted to any class ship.

  • Standard Hull Armor
    Defense: 500
    Energy Defense: N/A
    Module Size: 1x1
    Module Durability: 500
    Additional Information: Basic armor plating for starships

Medium Armor — Medium armor allows the ship to take more abuse from enemy fire at the cost of speed and mobility. Can be retrofitted to any class ship.

  • Reinforced Hull Armor
    Defense: 2500
    Energy Defense: N/A
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 2500
    Additional Information: Higher-grade plating
  • Energized Hull Armor
    Defense: 2500
    Energy Defense: 250
    Power Consumption Passive: 10 kw
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 2500
    Additional Information: Able to mitigate a small amount of energy-based attacks, but requires power to make this armor effective

Heavy Armor — Heavy armor allows the ship to take a high amount of damage from enemy fire but at the cost of greatly reducing mobility and overall speed. More powerful engine and power modules are required to counter negative aspects of having full heavy armor on a ship. Can be retrofitted to any class ship.

  • Hyper-Energized Hull Armor
    Defense: 5000
    Energy Defense: 500
    Power Consumption Passive: 10 kw
    Module Size: 3X3
    Module Durability: 5000
    Additional Information: Able to mitigate a small amount of energy-based attacks

Shield Modules

These modules help prevent direct impact to the ship’s hull and require power core modules to function. During combat, shield modules can maintain nominal power levels to critical systems.

  • Diffuser Shield
    Energy Defense: 3000
    Physical Defense: N/A
    Power Consumption Passive: 300 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 500 kw
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325
  • Gamma Shield
    Energy Defense: 5000
    Physical Defense: N/A
    Power Consumption Passive: 500 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 700 kw
    Module Size: 3x3
    Module Durability: 500
A shield module

Sublight Speed Modules

These affect how fast a ship can travel through local space.

  • Ion Propulsion Thrusters
    Sublight Speed Boost: 500 KPS
    Power Consumption Passive: 30kw
    Module Size: 1x1Module Durability: 150
  • Dual Ion Propulsion Thrusters
    Sublight Speed Boost: 1000 KPS
    Power Consumption Passive: 60kw
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325

Slipstream Modules

These modules allow a ship to quickly travel between locations within a star system before selecting a specific sector to explore.

  • Quantum Travel Drive
    Slipstream Speed Boost: 5 LY/H
    Power Consumption Passive: 50kw
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325

FTL Modules

These modules help determine how fast a ship can travel in light speed. They can be upgraded indefinitely as there is no upper cap on how fast light speed modules can go.

  • Hyperspeed FTL Drive
    FTL Speed Boost: 1ly per hour
    Power Consumption Passive: 50kw
    Module Size: 1x1
    Module Durability: 325
  • Timeflux Accelerator
    FTL Speed Boost: 12ly per hour
    Power Consumption Passive: 1500kw
    Module Size: 3x3
    Module Durability: 500

Power Core Modules

This module runs and maintains all of a ship’s systems, including specific modules on the ship, such as shield modules. Power core modules can be stacked to increase efficiency.

  • Omega Power Core
    Power Output: 500 kw
    Power Recharge Rate: 100 kw per second
    Module Size: 1x1
    Module Durability: 150

Cargo Modules

These modules determine how much cargo your ship can carry without negatively impacting speed. Upgrading cargo modules increases the amount of cargo a ship can hold. Specializations of cargo modules can also help with carrying more rare and volatile cargo.

  • Vulcan Cargo Expansion v1
    Cargo Capacity Increase: 100 tons
    Power Consumption Passive: 10 kw
    Module Size: 1x1
    Module Durability: 150
    Additional Information: Rare materials occupy 5% less cargo space
  • Vulcan Cargo Expansion v2
    Cargo Capacity Increase: 250 tons
    Power Consumption Passive: 25 kw
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325
    Additional Information: Rare materials occupy 10% less cargo space
  • Reaper Cargo Expansion v1
    Cargo Capacity Increase: 300 tons
    Power Consumption Passive: 30 kw
    Module Size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325
    Additional Information: Rare materials occupy 25% less cargo space

Harvesting/Mining Modules

These modules are used to help expedite mining of certain resources. Upgrading mining modules allows the ship to mine greater amounts of resources as well as making it easier to find rare resources.

  • G1 Mining Laser
    Mining Capacity: 1 ton per minute
    Power Consumption Passive: 10 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 1 kw per second
    Module size: 1x1
    Module Durability: 150
  • Vulcan ML v2
    Mining Capacity: 20 tons per minute
    Power Consumption Passive: 30 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 3kw per second
    Module size: 2x2
    Module Durability: 325
  • G3 Mining Laser
    Mining Capacity: 50 tons per minute
    Power Consumption Passive: 50 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 5 kw per second
    Module size: 3x3
    Module Durability: 500
A mining module

Sensor Modules

These allow the ship to scan the vicinity for other ships, planets, asteroids, etc.

  • Vulcan Sensor Booster
    Scan Distance: 100 km
    Power Consumption Passive: 25 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 5 kw per second
    Module size: 1x1
    Module Durability: 150
    Additional Information: Gives commanders information on potential resources found in harvesting locations
  • Reaper Sensor Booster
    Scan Distance: 100 km
    Power Consumption Passive: 25 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 5 kw per second
    Module size: 1x1
    Module Durability: 150
    Additional Information: Increases the chance of detecting cloaked ships

Cloaking Modules

These modules place a commander’s ship under a cloaking device. No other ship can target them or attack a ship as long as it’s cloaked.

  • Phoenix LF Cloaking Device
    Power Consumption Passive: 50 kw
    Power Consumption Active: 3 kw per second
    Module size: 1x1
    Module Durability: 150
    Additional Information: While the light-refracting cloak is active, the ship is unable to fire, use shields, and has reduced speed. The cloak must be deactivated in order to regain the use of those systems

Transport Modules

This module is used to transport other ships and commanders. Commanders can charge a fee for transporting others across the galaxy. Upgrading transport modules will allow ships to transport more people and larger ships. The modules use dimensional folding technology to hold volume and mass greater than its size.

  • Titan Hangar Module
    Maximum Capacity: 2 Large, 4 Medium, 8 Small, or 16 Shuttle
    Power Consumption Passive: 100 kw
    Module size: 10x5
    Module Durability: 500

That’s it for now, commanders. Keep an eye out for more details on modules as we get further into development. And please remember, all module names, stats, and functions are subject to change as we are still in development.

Thanks and fly safe, commanders!

The CSC Pre-launch Ship Sale is going on now at

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Safe flying, commanders!

P.S. — See below for additional ship layouts

