Star Trek™ + CSC — Events Final Week

Ruby Delgado
Crypto Space Commander
2 min readSep 27, 2019
Screenshot courtesy of user Magick!

Hello Commanders!

We are in the final week of the Star Trek™ + CSC Divergence Event! The entire event ends on October 3rd. The Star Trek™ Crate sale ends promptly at 3 PM PST. The remaining quantity of crates will be destroyed and the starship counts will be locked in.

The final auction is currently live, we wanted to close out the event with the USS Voyager. These auction ships have the status of First Fleet (Unlimited Replication) and come with a set of tech level 2 Star Trek™ modules. It’s your last chance to get one!

Pirates in EQ Pegasi!

The pirates scouted EQ Pegasi last week and are trying to smuggle Star Trek™ crates out of EQ Pegasi and are illegally mining shards. All commanders are clear to engage the pirates on 10/3/19 - 11AM PST, location will be shared day of event. Anything dropped by the Pirates are up for grabs by commanders that help neutralize the threat.

Shard Event

The current shard event is still ongoing and ends Monday 9/30/19 at 3PM PST. After that, there is one more final shard event to close out the event. To reiterate the rules: The top 3 users with the most shards in their ship and station inventory will each win a Star Trek™ Supply Crate. There is a limit of 2 crates per commander for the Shard contest; users can only win twice throughout the entire 5 week event.The shard event only takes place within EQ Pegasi.

Current Standings

Top 20 commanders


STARTS 9/23/19 5:00 PM PST — ENDS 9/30/19 3:00 PM PST
STARTS 9/30/19 5:00 PM PST — ENDS 10/3/19 3:00 PM PST

Hidden Crate

Today is the last of the hidden crate events. Two crates will be hidden in EQ Pegasi today, the 27th, at 7 PM PST. These crates will remain hidden until found. Since the crates were found easily last week, we though we would make it a bit harder this week with vague clues. Good luck commanders!

Two Clues about the crates hidden today (9/27/19):

  1. Almost center of somewhere hidden.
  2. Good luck finding me, matey.


That’s all for now commanders, fly safe!

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