Crypto Sword & Magic
Crypto Sword & Magic
5 min readSep 27, 2019

The demonic spirit of the water

Flood in the Yellow Rock Mountain

A young man has arrived at the house of mankind from the yellow rock mountain. He was quivering with fear. He said there are frequent earthquakes taking place in his region lately. And he unfolded an ancient tale he grew up with.

Once the Magdar was completely contained in the ancient temple, people came back and indulged in pleasure. They quickly forgot the tyranny of Kafcar and the destruction of the continent by Magdar. Among them, there was a person who thought differently and studying how the heroes succeeded in containing the massive monster. Her name was Rathma, who used to live in the catacomb due to her witchcraft. She used to be the dearest apprentice of Deathkar, the dark magician who founded the satanic magic and necromancy.

She soon realized how the heroes made use of ancient stone, called The “World stone”, to carry out the mission. The world stone existed to contain the eternal power of the elements. Only capable heroes can harness their power and make good use of it. Otherwise, it could unlock the uncontrollable power of the element and morph it into monstrous havoc and chaos.

Among them, there is a special stone called “Water stone” which enshrines all the power of the water or aqua elemental. The ancient heroes used the water stone to rein in the power of the Magdar. That was the clue to the success of the containment.

Reckoning that, Rathma dreamed of conquering the world by smuggling out the Waterstone from the ancient temple. On a starry night when Magdar was completely oppressed, Rathma succeeded in acquiring the stone out of the temple. She was overconfident that she can tame the power of the great stone with her sorcery, which was an utter miscalculation.

Rathma then headed to the sea shoreline of the yellow rock mountain, west of the red sand desert. For a few days, she went a lookout for an optimum spot to oblate to the dark god and acquire mystic power of the world stone to a divine sorcerer. She desired to manifest her power to the world by overpowering the ancient heroes. She believed, doing that will demonstrate to the world that she is no longer a mere witch.

She found the Kunchikal waterfall, located at the tip of the yellow rock mountain, as the perfect place to practice the ritual. The only place where the ocean meets the continent, where she could harness the power of the water fully.

Under the full moon, Rathma used a spell which she reconfigured from the ancient time, she was taught by the Deathkar. Using the power of a divine artifact, ‘Water stone’, she was going to derive the power of the water and contain the elemental forces it into her staff.

Not long after she started her spell toward the moon, with the water stone at her hand, water in the sea and waterfall started to go unruly. The power was too big and powerful to tame with her magical caliber that the water devoured her in seconds. The untamed aquatic power twisted into a harrowing monstrosity. Numerous water columns arose from the sea and morphed into a colossal creature, soon called “Chandra”

The creature is said to possess 4 green eyes and waffling water bristles. Most notably, it had the ‘Water stone’ plunged in the center of the chest. He was told that the scene was quite spectacular.

After Chandra devoured everything in sight and flooded towns along the seashore and the river with massive rapids. It was the time when the ancient heroes, driven to prevent the carnage, arrived at the site. The first crusade of Chandra then had begun.

Heroes clashed with the Chandra and soon realized that Chandra has a weakness against earth elements. Heroes attracted the Chandra to the upstream and buried him under the pebbles and piles of earth. The earth that heroes used to confine Chandra was so enormous that there stood a stony hill in the middle of the river thereafter.

The young men have finished his story. Based on what’s heard and the frequency of the earthquake, the house of mankind concluded that the confines of the Chandra weakened.

The house leader’s gavel stroke the block three times. The third raid has been announced. Given the urgency of the matter, the house put out an increased bounty of 300 EOS.

Heroes will flock to the yard of the house, getting ready for the epic battle ahead.


2019 6th of October, a new raid monster Chandra will feature in the raid battle.


Nickname: the demonist spirit of the water


  • Derive power from the Waterstone, located in the center of the chest. Currently, confined under the stony hill of the yellow rock mountains region.
  • Weakness toward Earth elemental (-50%)
  • Strength toward Water and Flame elemental (100%)
  • Water elemental attacks
  • Area and Vertical Attacks
  • Has an aura that reduce opponents’ water resistance by 30% point


Level: LV 100
HP: 30,000,000
Atk : 20000~15000
(water elemental, Area/Vertical)

P. DEF: 40000
M. DEF: 40000
Skill 1: Dark mist lv. 20
(Physical Area Attack, water)
Skill 2: Death blow lv. 15
(Physical Single target)


For 2 weeks, Chandra raid will be held in a room sponsored by Wombat, a one-stop wallet solution for EOSio users.

At Wombat, any person can make an EOS wallet in second. You only need a Google account, which most of you already do

To be honest, onboarding Wombat was the most seamless and hasslefree experience I had experienced.

If you have any friend who likes to play RPG game in a play to earn fashion but having trouble owning an EOS account, this is time to invite them to the world of ‘Crypto Sword & Magic’ via Wombat wallet!

Check out more about Wombat wallet here:

Heros, are you ready for the epic battle against Chandra?

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