Crypto Sword & Magic
Crypto Sword & Magic
6 min readOct 24, 2019

The tyrant king of the orcs


The house of mankind found an ancient transcript describing a bloody war of ancient times. The archeological record writes about the war in length, that changed the history of the world.

In the prehistoric times of iron age, two large barbaric tribes resided in the western part of the continent crashed. The Orcs and Goblins, the two tribes representing the oak forest and the central plain, respectively.

They were uncivilized tribal hunters and gatherers living off of the lush and primeval oak forest full of giant oak trees and ancient sequoias. The land was teeming with life and provided rich food sources for the two tribes to live in their realm peacefully until the massive catastrophe came.

Under peaceful daylight, a meteorite made of an enormous world-stone cracked open the azure sky and crashed on to the holy site of the Orc tribe in the southern part of the modern central plain. The crash caused a massive dust storm that clouded the entire hemisphere.

When the dust storm cleared, it exposed the crash wiped out the entire forest and left only a stony terrain. The orc tribe had nothing to forage left. In order to survive, the orcs turned to the western oak forest where goblins lived.

Hungry orcs rushed to the forest and put fires on the goblin tribes. This was the beginning of the eternal war of two tribes.

Goblin vs. Orc


While the vanguard of the orc army attacked and devastated orc forests, the elite goblin general, Malah knew its coming and made a bold move. He sent his well-trained goblin archers to ambush the supply caravan route of Orc troops. The raid completely isolated the orcs’ frontline. After the ambush, Malah released his ruthless dire wolves, beasts tamed by goblins for centuries. The dire wolves attacked brutally and feasted on the chaotic orc army.

The result was an utter debacle for the orc army and boon for the goblin clan.

The inability to secure resources and lack of provision in the middle of burnt down oak forest completely crushed the orcs’ morale. Ddukka, the lord of the orc tribe had to watch half of his army massacred by the goblin warriors on his watch.

Coming back to the ramshackle of his own tribal territory, Ddukka couldn’t help feeling despair and wrath. His entire tribe is relying on him and he was deprived of any lever to defend his very own tribe from the nearing threat of the goblin army.

DDUKKA, the orc lord of destruction

He had no choice but to think of his last resort. He has no time to squander as the goblin army’s retaliation is impending. He began his malefic work around the “world-stone” stuck deep in the meteor that crashed into his tribal sanctuary.

The world stone typically has elemental power. But the one that was stuck in the fallen meteor was not. It embraced the power of external worlds, had a special corrupted power that has no bounds. Ddukka plucked out the stone and hurled his gargantuan ax at the stone to crack open the destructive power. His ax shattered as the stone exploded. The surrounding land — including the barbaric settlement of orcs — was annihilated by a catastrophic explosion.

The massive power exuded from the destroyed world-stone and befell on Ddukka to the point where he cannot control the power. The power reinforced his power tenfold but eventually drove him to insanity, turning him to a lord of destruction. He lost himself and slaughtered his own tribal orcs.

The ancient script depicts it as the advent of the tyrant king of destruction, Ddukka. Ddukka is said to possess a monstrous body size and use a gigantic ax. Also, there were numerous skulls he decapitated, wrapped around his own waist. His helm was decorated with a skull of an elite goblin warrior, a prodigy of Malah’s.

At the time, the goblin legion arrived the carnage, created by Ddukka. The brave goblin warriors are said to have fearlessly confronted the Ddukka.

It took only a few hours for Ddukka to mercilessly crush the goblin legion into dust. Thereafter, the site was scored by rivers of blood and dirge of dead spirits. Ddukka was invincible and vindictive. He stormed through the west and wreaked havoc in search of his arch-rival Malah, the elite goblin general.

By the time Ddukka reached Malah, sly Malah was prepared by calling upon the ancient heroes to protect the goblin west. The heroes armed with legendary artifacts and weapons clashed with the Ddukka, pitting all of their valor and might against his timeless destruction.

The fight seemed to have no end.

To end the impasse, the ancient heroes built a trap in the central plain which can incapacitate Ddukka’s physical might and power of the corrupt world-stone. The heroes succeeded in fooling and luring Ddukka into the trap by disguising as Malah. When Ddukka fell into the pit, mystic mages sacrificed themselves to weave a protective spell around the trap. They completely contained Ddukka and heroes placed a enormous magical skull cap on the trap to completely seal the pit.

Recently, people from the central plain complained about frequent earthquakes in their area. The problem is that the earthquake is only getting more severe.

The house members doubted the potency of the ancient magic spell that confined the Ddukka. They sensed rising threats from the dormant beast.

The decision is made. the next raid crusade will head to the central plain. The bounty will be 200 EOS. Heroes are gathering in the front yard of the house.


On November 3rd, a new monster Ddukka will feature in the raid room.


Nickname: the tyrant king of the orcs


  • Derive massive physical power from the corrupted world-stone from a meteor
  • Derive no elemental power, can only be matched with pure physical and magical defense

Level: LV 100
HP: 30,000,000
P. Atk : 30,000~20,000
M. Atk : 30,000~20,000
(Magical attack Area/Physical attack Vertical)

P. DEF: 50000
M. DEF: 30000
Skill 1: Duukka quake lv. 5
(Physical Area Attack)
Skill 2: Duukka smash lv. 5
(Magical Area Attack)

Heroes, gear up and march on to the raid room!

