Quick Guide on Item Chests

Crypto Sword & Magic
Crypto Sword & Magic
4 min readJul 8, 2019

Because there are many types of chests in the world of ‘Crypto Sword & Magic’, we understand that you might be a bit confused.

So today, we wanted to give you a short walk-through on our chest line ups and what could be expected from them.


In the ‘Crypto Sword & Magic’ world, you can easily navigate to a shop. A shop is an important place where you can get, buy and sell items, chests, and eggs.

Chests in the shop

In the shop, you can get 5 types of chests.

The first 3 on top are — Wooden, Iron, and Silver chests. Those are unlocked periodically when each of their stopwatches turns to 0.

Wooden unlocks each hour, Iron each day and Silver every second day.

There are 2 types of premium chests you can purchase with crystals you earned from the battles — Gold and Platinum chests🏅

They are Gold and Platinum chests, priced at 100 and 300 crystals respectively.

Field Drop

In the field, you can come across 10 different types of chests.

They are three types of Wooden, Iron, and Silver, each with three levels of rarity, that you can get from fields, as well as a gold chest if you are lucky.

You have a better chance to earn a good chest if you 🌟“Perfect clear” a battlefield. Also, all the perfect clear rewards are given exclusively to the non-mercenary player.

Good Luck! 😊

Wooden Chests

Wooden Lv. 1/2/3 — these are chests that you can most often get from fields. The more gems it holds the better chest.

The wooden chests have no chance of getting anything beyond magic.

But if you get a higher level Wooden chest like level 3, you have better odds to get better options and abilities within the grade spectrum.

Wooden Chests 1,2,3

Iron Chests

Iron Lv. 1/2/3 — these are chests that you can get from fields. The more gems it holds the better chest.

The Iron chests have no chance of getting anything beyond rare.

But if you get a higher level Iron chest like level 3, you have better odds to get better options and abilities within the grade spectrum.

Iron Chests 1,2,3

Silver Chests

Silver Lv. 1/2/3 — these are chests that you can get from fields. The more gems it holds the better chest.

The Silver chests have no chance of getting anything beyond Epic.

But if you get a higher level silver chest like level 3, you have better odds to get better options and abilities within the grade spectrum.

Gold Chests

For gold chest, there is only one variant, which you can also get from the shop for 100 Crystals. You often behold these chests in difficult fights, like “Rare Monster Battle” or “Dungeon” with very tough probabilities.

In the gold chest, you even have a chance to win a legendary item in these chests — The odds are sub 1%.

Gold Chest

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