Launching a Crypto Scam? Here’s What NOT to Do

Remember the Golden Age of ICOs? When It Seemed No Project Was Too Dumb to Succeed? NASO Was Too Dumb to Succeed…

Grant Gulovsen 高伟明
Crypto Through The Tulips
5 min readMay 9, 2018


This article was originally published May 9, 2018, on Tokenicide!

We’ve researched quite a few ICO-related scams and discovered that the #1 reason scam ICOs fail is as follows:

Somebody realized it was a scam before the founders made off with the loot

So in an effort to help you up your flimflammery game, the ass clowns 🍑🤡 at Tokenicide! have created this guide on what NOT to do when launching a scam ICO.

Disclaimer: We don’t like scams. That’s why we wrote this post. Hopefully our sense of humor isn’t so dry that you are unable to figure that out on your own, but just in case…

On May 7, 2018, we were cordially invited by a complete stranger to join a Facebook group for an upcoming ICO that we had never heard of. And since Tokenicide ass clowns 🍑🤡 are gluttons for punishment (just ask Mistress Helga von Spankenwiener if you have any doubt), we immediately accepted the invitation, no questions asked.

What we found in that Facebook group was the most blatantly obvious (and tragically pathetic) attempt at a scam ICO we had ever seen, providing such a bountiful harvest of red flags and warning signs that we decided an article highlighting them all would effectively write itself.

In addition to being gluttons for punishment, Tokenicide ass clowns 🍑🤡 are lazy as fuck, ergo…

We sincerely hope you enjoy this article highlighting all of the red flags and warning signs that we found in the Facebook Group of the NASO ICO!


According to the NASO ICO website:

The machine operation and the payment methods of NASA are completely obsolete. Remley Schmidt came up with an extraordinary solution! The NASO Coin will make the NASA crypto fit.

In layperson’s terms, it’s an ICO that has “something to do with NASA, even though it’s called … NASO?” Honestly, that’s the best we were able to come up with after reviewing the entire website and whitepaper, and we’re still trying to figure out what they mean by “NASA crypto fit”… 🤔 But anyway, with that in mind, here is our list of what NOT to do when launching a scam ICO (courtesy of our newest Facebook friends 😊):

DON’T Pick a Stupid Domain Name

If you want to appear credible, make sure your domain name matches the name of your coin. Or your project. Or your company. If absolutely none of those are available, consider changing the name of your coin. Or your project. Or your company. But whatever you do, don’t pick the first available option from the “sorry chump, that domain is not available but how about one of these stupid domain names instead?” list. And if for some godforsaken reason you still feel compelled to go with the stupid domain name, at least TRY to come up with a credible explanation as to why you picked that stupid domain name…

Well I guess as long as your “department” won’t allow it. Stupid bureaucrats…😠

DON’T Invite Random Strangers Into Your ICO Facebook Group

If the goal of your scam ICO is to raise f*cktons of money then skip town with it PRIOR to getting exposed as a scam, you should only invite the types of people into your Facebook Group who can help you achieve that goal. Otherwise, you may end up with the following:

1. People who have no f*cking clue what a Bitcoin is (much less an ICO)…

Probably not going to get too many contributions from these two. 😐
Nope. Not this one either. 😐

2. Tokenicide ass clowns…

Definitely NOT someone you want crashing your scam ICO’s Facebook group ⛔🍑🤡

3. God forbid, a loser who is even more pathetic and annoying than yourself…

We really couldn’t have made this sh*t up if we tried! 😂

DON’T embrace transparency

Buzzwords like “transparency” and “decentralization” have become the parlance of the cryptocurrency community, so by all means please use them generously when talking about your project. But while giving lip service to transparency is one thing, please remember this:


So if someone posts in your Facebook Group that your scam ICO is actually a scam, you need to delete that sh*t immediately and ban whoever posted it. Pronto!


Finally, DON’T use photos of actors who look creepy and homeless in your admin profile

In general it is a bad idea to use someone else’s image in your Facebook Group admin profile. It is a worse idea to use a photo of a famous actor. But for f*ck’s sake, if you’re going to go to all that trouble anyway, why in God’s name would you pick an actor who looks creepy and homeless?!?

Hahahaha! Just kidding! 😅 We’re all huge fans of Canadian actor … um … (psst, what’s his name again? oh yeah right) … Lothaire Bluteau!

So there you have it! Our first article (in what we hope to be a series) designed to show you how NOT to launch (or better yet how to avoid falling prey to) Scam ICOs!

Have YOU seen any blatantly obvious (or tragically pathetic) attempts at scam ICOs you’d like to share with the Tokenicide community? Let us know in the comments below! 🍑🤡

Originally published at on May 9, 2018.

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