Interview with the Airpod Team

Crypto Unveil
Crypto Unveil
Published in
4 min readMar 27, 2018

Today, I have interviewed the Airpod team on their ICO and future projects. Airpod is developing sleeping pods to be installed in airports. To reach their ambitious targets, they are in the Pre-ICO stage just before launching Pre-sales.

1) What problem are you solving, why do you need the blockchain technology and what are the main pillars of Airpod that differentiate you from your competitors?

The major pain of all travellers is stressful waiting for connection flights with few or no private places to relax, nap or work. AirPod is an innovative, cutting-edge sleeping capsule unlike any other product currently available on the market worldwide that solves that problem.

To be very honest we actually don’t need token or blockchain to start the project. Where the BC and token come and are essential is in 2nd and 3rd phase of our business development. We use blockchain and tokens to simplify our business model where a profit-share relationship is enabling our contributors to be part of the most stable and high earning crypto businesses until this date. Further, in the 3rd stage, we are introducing “Partnership program” that will enable everyone to become part of Uber-like, but much more profitable Business model — people will be able to suggest any place in their domain as a potential AirPod placement area and start earning money with a peace of mind. To make all of this work and operate on a global scale we need Fast, Automated, Transparent and Low-cost solution. We believe Blockchain Technology is the answer to this challenge.

In regards to differentiation I believe Innovative Design offering convenience, comfort, privacy, security and overall functionality of the product is what separates us from the competition.

2) What value are you adding to your industry value chain and which are the main obstacles to the adoption of your solution by more enterprises?

Besides “reinventing” the sleeping pod, I believe we are adding an innovative business model approach.

3) Why did you decide to launch an ICO and why do you need a public Token Sale?

Seemed like a better way to raise funds compared to VC’s. I believe we are one of the first companies on the market that combine “real business / product” with crypto. Also we are one of the fewest on the market that implemented token directly to company’s revenue stream to ensure long-term stability and a potential increase in value.

As others, we need token sale to finance our project.

4) How does your token function within the platform and why is it needed? How did you decide the total supply and distribution among stakeholders?

The Primary goals of the APOD Token are facilitating the rental of AirPod units and to provide the backbone of an internal AirPod economy. As a pure utility token, it provides access to AirPod services and enables usage of AirPod units. We split the received FIAT (payment for rent): using 50% for our company costs and the remaining 50% for buying Tokens on exchange at market price and placing sell orders (sell wall) equivalent value of $2. While the number of distributed AirPods and users will grow the frequency of Tokens we buy from the Exchange grows, as a result, the value of APOD token will automatically increase over time. This simply means that more AirPods are installed and more users are generated, the frequency of Token buyback from the exchange and placing them back at a higher price, will increase with the price of APOD Token.

5) Where do you see the value of your token in the medium to long term and the ultimate benefit for the token holders?

Hard to say… We do have some internal calculations — predictions, but it is impossible to speculate about the price. What I can tell you is, that our token will have a real economic value, not just speculative like the most of ICO projects. The ultimate benefit for token holder is that they can enter into a profit-share relationship by converting APOD tokens to a “Sponsorship Program” through DApp platform in the second phase of our project development. By that, we are enabling our contributors to be part of the most stable and high earning crypto businesses until this date. Further, in the 3rd stage, we are introducing “Partnership Program” that will enable everyone to become part of Uber-like, but much more profitable Business model — people will be able to suggest any place in their domain as a potential AirPod placement area and start earning money with a peace of mind.

6) Thinking about the future, what are your plans after ending the ICO? Are you afraid that the volatility of the cryptocurrency market might affect the economy of your project in any way?

Work, work, work and work. We have to fulfil the milestones and we take that very seriously.

It can to a certain matter, but as I already explained our token is one of the fewest in the industry that has the potential to be resistant to volatility of the crypto currency market.

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Crypto Unveil
Crypto Unveil

Crypto Unveil is a not for profit project aimed at providing and sharing free educational and informed content on the blockchain and crypto world.