Crypto & Web3 for dummies: ChatGPT’s roadmap and learning resources guide

Ela De Sygns
Crypto & Web3 for Dummies
5 min readMar 20, 2023
Chat GPT to the rescue: explaining NFTs, blockchain, DeFi, Ethereum & Web3 to dummies.
Chat GPT to the rescue: explaining NFTs, blockchain, DeFi, Ethereum & Web3 to dummies.

One terribly annoying sensation for a newbie crypto enthusiast like me, Ela De Sygns’ fictional younger sister Xeca, is to feel lost in the sea of [highly technical] crypto & web 3.0 related information floating around on Twitter, Telegram, Discord groups, and in a bunch of newsletters.

It screams back at us that we’re dumb, clueless, and helpless. To be frank, I’m not here to take offense or defend myself. I’m only interested in finding answers to my dilemmas — our dilemmas (Team Dummies).

Warning: this publication on Medium is strictly not for Alphas; you’ll get utterly bored like a grown-up in kindergarten.

Crypto & Web3 dummies questions

If I want to acquire a solid knowledge of the Crypto & Web3 industry and become job market-ready within a few months:

  • Where exactly should I look?
  • Where/how should I get started?
  • What resources and roadmap are recommended for a newbie crypto enthusiast to go from clueless to being able to apply for crypto jobs, clinch crypto job interviews, thrive, and get hired at a crypto or Web3 company?

These questions had been brewing in my mind for a while. I asked experts who responded vaguely. I googled them and kept drowning in the ocean of answers…

ChatGPT’s crypto & Web3 roadmap for dummies

So this morning, over breakfast, I asked ChatGPT to come to my rescue with a full roadmap to learn Web3, NFTs, DeFi, and Blockchain. My AI ally came up with a solid plan. I then asked it to give me links to articles, videos, and courses that explain the topics at hand. It shared a number of gems as well.

Of course, ChatGPT’s feedback is only Part 1 of a journey that has infinite parts as the crypto & Web3 industry evolves. The hard work begins right about… well, now!

Reminder: the name of this Medium publication tells it all. If you don’t identify as a crypto or Web3 dummy, you’ve got two options here:

  1. Please look away so the rest of us can learn in peace.
  2. Or stay around, cheer us on, and share feedback and resources so we can grow!

Every now and then in this Crypto & Web3 for Dummies publication on Medium, I’ll be digging into the resources further below whilst following the roadmap and I’ll share my findings with you all. In a room of dummies, the only fool is the one who feels too big or too behind to learn anything new. So guys, let’s start learning!

Asking ChatGPT to recommend a roadmap for dummies to learn Web3, NFT, DeFi, and Blockchain.
Asking ChatGPT to recommend a roadmap for dummies to learn Web3, NFT, DeFi, and Blockchain.

Throughout this “Beginner’s Journey”, we’ll learn:

Chapter 1: The basics of Blockchain technology

  1. What are the basic concepts of Blockchain technology?
  2. A look at Blockchain technology: its architecture and how it works
  3. What are the different types of Blockchain technology?

Chapter 2: Discovering Ethereum, one of the most popular Blockchain platforms

  1. What is Ethereum? The “WHY” behind its creation
  2. Understanding Ethereum’s fundamental concepts Part 1: what are smart contracts?
  3. Understanding Ethereum’s fundamental concepts Part 2: what are gas fees?
  4. Understanding Ethereum’s fundamental concepts Part 3: what is Ether?
  5. Things built on Ethereum Part 1: What are decentralized applications? A look at some popular Dapps
  6. Things built on Ethereum Part 2: What are NFTs?
  7. Things built on Ethereum Part 3: What are DeFi protocols?

Chapter 3: Understanding Web3

  1. What is Web3 in simple terms and analogies?
  2. Breaking down key Web3 concepts Part 1: What are distributed applications?
  3. Breaking down key Web3 concepts Part 2: What is decentralized storage and why is it important?
  4. Breaking down key Web3 concepts Part 3: What is decentralized identity and why is it important?

Chapter 4: Diving further into NFTs

  1. NFTs aren’t just art! What are other types of NFTs?
  2. How are NFTs created?
  3. How are NFTs traded?
  4. How does NFT ownership work on Ethereum?
  5. How does NFT ownership work on Binance Smart Chain?

Chapter 5: Exploring DeFi

  1. What is the basic concept of Decentralized Finance?
  2. Discovering popular DeFi Protocols Part 1: how does Uniswap work?
  3. Discovering popular DeFi Protocols Part 2: how does Aave work?
  4. Discovering popular DeFi Protocols Part 3: how does Compound work?

This “curriculum” shall be updated as our dummy crypto brains expand along the way. Each bullet point will be linked to its corresponding blog post as well. I’ll be posting threads on my Twitter page as well, if you care to follow me: @CryptoWeb3dummy

ChatGPT’s list of resources for dummies to understand the basics of Blockchain, Ethereum, DeFi, NFTs, and Web3

(Hey, folks! Feel free to recommend your resources in the comments; I will update the list periodically.)

Asking ChatGPT to recommend resources for dummies to learn Web3, NFT, DeFi, and Blockchain.
Asking ChatGPT to recommend resources for dummies to learn Web3, NFT, DeFi, and Blockchain.

1) Blockchain for dummies:

2) Ethereum for dummies:

3) DeFi for dummies:

4) Web3 for dummies:

5) NFTs for dummies:

Props to ChatGPT for teaching dummies how to swim in the waters of crypto & Web 3.0! Clap for this post if it brought you some value. Leave a comment and follow both this publication and Ela De Sygns (my elder sister’s account which I, Xeca De Sygns, borrow to write to fellow dummies).

P.S. If you’re wondering why my name is Xeca, it’s because I was baptized after my favorite cryptocurrency, eCash’s $XEC.



Ela De Sygns
Crypto & Web3 for Dummies

Crypto & Web3 for Dummies publisher. Also documenting my UI/UX Design journey, starting from Level 0. Product Design is next! I can, YOU can, WE can all DO IT!