Crypto is entering the sonic boom stage!

As crypto tanks, many investors are looking at every opportunity they can get their hands on to capitalize on the next crypto-market comeback. It is apparent that much social media traffic is being channeled toward the question of whether crypto will come back strong or keep on its downward trajectory. There has also been much speculation on the potential crypto has in becoming the next best thing. And that is where all of the excitement is coming from, “are we getting ready for a launch into the future”? Well no one really knows, but cryptocurrency is on the right track toward a nuclear rise. But a meteoric fall is also not out of the question when it comes to volatility, because crypto’s rises and falls are so frequent it is hard to gauge when the market will start going up or down. it has also become more known that the volume of each crypto is where all of the money is. It seems that investors are buying based on market supply and market cap, but not many are looking at the volume.

Some Crypto holders are saying that the more the volume the more room there is for capitalization. Also Many strategic investors go in on coins when there is a lot of buzz about them, and that usually correlates with the amount of volume the coin is experiencing. It also turns out that when a market experiences as big of a correction as Crypto is having, then it will either increase drastically or decrease dramatically. There is beginning to be a lot of talk about Cryptocurrency becoming the next U.S. currency to be used anytime and anywhere in the world, and would change our currency as we know it. But this much is certain, either crypto is snaking a big comeback or it will continue its bitter plunder.



Christopher Bullard
Crypto will be the new U.S. Currency

Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go. — E. L. Doctorow