Why NFT is the Key [pt.2 / Metaverse Series]

Crypto Zen Monk
Crypto & Zen
Published in
12 min readOct 31, 2021


NFTs are essential to our future Metaverse, i.e. Internet 3.0

NFT is hot

So how hot is NFT? The answer is very hot. Looking at the two charts below from Google Trends:

  • The search for nft has exceeded cryptocurrency recently.
  • While there are still more searches for bitcoin in Google Trends, search for nft is on an uptrend while search for bitcoin is on a downtrend.
nft vs cryptocurrency in Google Trends as of 2021–11–02 https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=nft,cryptocurrency
nft vs bitcoin in Google Trends as of 2021–11–02 https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=nft,bitcoin

In fact, most of the search interests come from China, Singapore and Hong Kong.

https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=nft as of 2021–11–02

What can we do with NFT?

Instead of defining what is Non-Fungible Token (NFT), let’s first see how we are enabled by NFT:

  • buy an in-game skin and use it in a different game



Crypto Zen Monk
Crypto & Zen

Generative AI, Engineer, Crypto & Stock & Option Investor, DeFi, NFT & Zen. Sincere passionate writer with a strong will to share knowledge.