How To Choose Your Exchange Platform?

Before you start trading cryptos, you’ll have several decisions to make. One of the most important is to choose an exchange platform that will allow you to buy your first coins… and to trade them.

Robin Boisdenghien
3 min readMar 30, 2018


Exchanges allow you to buy cryptocurrencies, sell and trade them. Find below some of the best platforms that Crypto-Addicts has selected for you.

First of all, you should know that

  • This list is not exhaustive
  • We are not affiliated to any exchange platform. This is a summary of some of the main exchange platforms out there, with basic information to help beginners make their way into the crypto-world.

Buying Platforms

If you are buying crypto-coins for the first time, you will need to choose a platform that accepts bank cards and/or credit cards — as you won’t have any cryptos to trade at this point.

Note that you can also buy your first coins on exchange platforms that accept cash ($, £, €,…). However, Coinbase and Coinhouse are a good starting point for beginners.


Coinbase is one of the most famous platforms to buy coins. It is great for beginners because of its ease of use. However, we recommend using another platform to resell or trade your new coins, as Coinbase transaction fees are quite high.

  • Number of cryptos available: 4 (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin).
  • Transaction costs: between 1.49% and 3.99%.
  • Mobile application: Android & iOS
  • Getting started: one of the easiest to get used to (good user interface).
  • Note: the platform is very successful, which can cause it to be unavailable at rush times.


A French actor that is appreciated for its clarity and support. The platform is backed by La Maison du Bitcoin, an establishment located in Paris that offers a physical exchange counter and free training. Ideal if you need help getting started.

  • Number of cryptos available: 2 (Bitcoin and Ethereum)
  • Transaction costs: between 3.9 and 4.9%.
  • Mobile app: no
  • Getting started: quite intuitive and easy to use.
  • Remark: Transaction fees are among the highest in the market, but this is partly due to its quality customer support.

Exchange platforms

We’ve selected some of the best trading platforms and detailed them in a summary table according to their characteristics. We didn’t include platforms whose transaction fees are too high.

Have you made your choice yet?

Below you will find other resources that will be useful as you dig you way into the crypto world.

Have a pleasant journey “to the moon”! 🚀

Robin for Crypto-Addicts

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