2018 Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) Platform Review: Part II

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4 min readMar 6, 2018

If you look for Part I, here is the link:


(Continued from Part I)…Part II will cover Lisk, Waves, Stratis, Ark and Cardano (ADA). For comparison purpose, we still keep ETH in the chart for reference purpose.

BaaS Platform Basics

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  • Total Supply — Waves and Cardano have hard cap of total supply while the total supply of the other three tokens increase over time.
  • Consensus Protocol — Lisk/Ark use dPoS and the rest three use PoS.
  • Transaction per Second (TPS) — Stratis claims to handle up to 20K transactions per second as it focuses on application in financial scenario.
  • Fuel Token — All five do not have separate fuel tokens.
  • Similarity/Connection — Lisk was a continuation of a stopped project, Crypti. Ark’s founders are former team members of Lisk and Crypti. Waves is inspired by NXT with team members being involved with NXT (always find connection back to Ardor/NXT). Cardano’s founder was a developer of Ethereum.

BaaS Platform Functionality Comparison

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  • Lisk is a hard fork of Crypti
  • Lisk focuses on make DApp development effortless on Blockchain.
  • For scalability, DApps will host their own side chains to interact with Lisk’s main chain

2. Waves

Image result for waves roadmap
  • Waves is inspired by NXT with team members being involved with NXT
  • Use Waves-NG as solution for the scalability.
  • Using Scala (created by LinkedIn) for platform development
  • Have an ambitious road map as follows
Image result for waves roadmap

3. Stratis

  • BaaS platform to provide enterprise solutions for financial sectors to benefit from Blockchain
  • Similar vision as Lisk to provide one-click Blockchain deployment service
  • Multiple options on wallets, including staking wallet, Stratis electrum, ledger hardware wallet, and breeze wallet.
  • Claims to handle up to 20K transaction per second; current transaction speed on average is 6 min.

4. Ark

  • ARK is founded by former team members of Lisk and Crypti
  • ARK focuses on interoperability between different Blockchains using smart bridge

5. Cardano

  • Cardano is the industry’s first platform that utilizes academically peer-reviewed open source code.
  • Founder Charles Hoskinson was developer of Ethereum.
  • ADA is referred as “Ethereum of Japan” as it was marketed as an “investment to retire on” to primarily Japanese investors.
  • ADA is built as a layered Blockchain: The Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL) is where account balances and transactions are managed. The Cardano Control Layer (CCL) hosts smart contract functions and regulatory elements (e.g., digital identity).
  • ADA uses the UTXO model and is supposed to be the most secure part of the Blockchain.

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