Introducing CryptoBarons: a decentralized multiplayer RPG running on the Ethereum Blockchain

Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2018
Brief summary of CryptoBarons game

Joining the global quest of taking blockchain technology mainstream, our team is very happy to introduce “CryptoBarons”; a blockchain game running on Ethereum.

What is CryptoBarons?
CryptoBarons is a slight replication of a multiplayer strategy game dated back to the medieval period and centered on fortifying a virtual kingdom with digital collectibles which exist on the Etheruem blockchain. These collectibles can be reproduced, exchanged and sold.
It tells a story of a fictional event which occurred many years back when barons were given power to take charge of an entire kingdom.

Barrack example of digital collectible resources tradable on CryptoBarons

Development Roadmap?
Our team of experts and advisors are working so hard to release the first public version of CryptoBarons towards the end of this first quarter or at most early second quarter.
This version is better described as the gathering phase and it features four basic resources: land, wood, food and workers, which will be traded amongst barons. These resources can be used to build sawmills, barns and homes for the workers.

Wood as an example of collectible resources

A certain amount of these resources will be release free to our early users, subscribe now @ CryptoBarons

The sawmills produce a given number of logs taking into consideration the actual time period when logs are best harvested.

The barns produce bags of food which can be utilized or sold in the exchange market and homes are built for the workers to increase reproduction of workers.

What’s next?
CryptoBarons is a community project, we will be releasing more details about the CryptoBarons project, technical details, economic details, marketing details, and lots more.
We are happy to welcome you to this wonderful game community!
Join us now on our social handle to contribute,ask questions and get our latest updates. We are happy to meet you soon!


A BARON is always at the front!




A game that runs on the blockchain - Fortify your Kingdom and become a Baron