NFTs Will Be a Part of Japan’s Digitalization

Published in
1 min readOct 17, 2022

On October 3, 2022, Kishida made this statement while speaking about Japan’s plans for the digital transformation. He explained that this plan has so far involved giving NFTs to local governments to assist them in resolving their particular problems.

It was revealed earlier this week that Japan Post had released a line of stamp designs as NFTs. This was significant because it showed that Japan as a nation was investing more in blockchain assets and had the support of a significant nation's federal body.

Japan’s prime minister, Fumio Kishida, has now declared that the nation will increase its investments in web3, including NFTs.

These applications ought to appear soon given the efforts made in Japan to encourage NFT use on a governmental level, including NFT awards given to local governments and the new collection by the Japan Post. With that, Japan might be on the verge of emerging as the next major web3 hub.

The government will investigate even more use cases for digital assets in the future. These might include distributing identity cards and promoting web3 services that make use of the metaverse and NFTs.

