Creator Community: Caitlyn Grabenstein

“Creator Community” highlights some of the most interesting creators with collectibles available on the NFT platform. NFT NFT
5 min readDec 2, 2021


Caitlyn Grabenstein aka cult.class.

Caitlyn Grabenstein’s photorealistic collages defy space and time, visually transporting her audience to alternate realities.

Specializing in her own brand of surreal, sci-fi collage with a vintage flair, she likens her art to otherworldly photography. In addition to commercial work for clients, she creates pieces under the alias cult.class — and has amassed a 450,000-strong following on Instagram for her signature style. “Other Worlds,” her aptly titled NFT debut, drops on Dec. 3. The collection will feature seven transcendental collages that depict scenes with elements representing the past, the present and the future — sometimes simultaneously.

Images of NFTs from the “Other Worlds” collection by cult.class.

Pursuing various creative passions since a young age, Grabenstein picked up digital art to create her own promotional material as a touring musician. Similarly, she learned web design to create a site for the charitable business she founded to raise money through music for people affected by cancer. After a stint in the music industry, she eventually established her Philadelphia-based design firm, CLG Design Co. Grabenstein’s services have since been commissioned by clients like Netflix, Condé Nast and Sony Music, among other high profile companies and brands — and her art can be found on display in buildings around Philadelphia, including the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s design store. As part of our “Creator Community” series, we sent the ethereal artist some questions about herself and her work.

Read the Q&A with Caitlyn “cult.class” Grabenstein below and visit her NFT profile for more information.

A close-up image of the “Leader of the Pack” NFT from the “Other Worlds” collection by cult.class.

Describe your evolution as an artist.

I have always done art in some form, throughout my life. I started creating digital art when I was a gigging musician and needed cool artwork for promotional material. I fell in love with the process of collaging and have been doing it ever since.

Did you receive any training?

I am completely self-taught.

What do you consider “good” art? What makes art “good” to you?

To me, good art makes the viewer feel something. Good art can allow the viewer a different perspective into life or themselves.

What’s more important: technique or message?

Message, 1000%.

“Someone recently told me that my art is like music from a musician they love; they don’t always know the song is by that musician — but when they hear it, they can tell.”

An image of “The Fox and His Milkshake” NFT from the “Other Worlds” collection by cult.class.

What inspires you artistically, in general?

I am inspired by life and our human experience. I love creating surreal landscapes and combining time periods into images that feel nostalgic and familiar.

What do you try to say with your art?

Honestly, I try to create pieces that emote what I’m feeling at the time. I don’t think that I have one message necessarily. The message really depends on my mood and the societal climate that I’m living in.

What are the common themes of your work?

Definitely otherworldly elements, often related to sci-fi and surrealism. I frequently use UFOs, monsters, aliens, planets, space and more.

Caitlyn Grabenstein posing with a WIRED article featuring her custom artwork.

What’s your favorite artistic movement?

Definitely Impressionism. I think the art of that movement is so dreamy, colorful, whimsical and inviting.

If you could collaborate with any artist throughout history, who would it be?

Salvador Dalí, because his style was so surreal and eerie. I think we’d create a beautiful otherworldly place for viewers to escape into.

What attracted you to the NFT space?

I love the concept of authenticated, limited pieces for digital art and the opportunity NFTs provide for modern artists to earn a living.

What makes your NFTs unique from others on the market?

Someone recently told me that my art is like music from a musician they love; they don’t always know the song is by that musician — but when they hear it, they can tell. When they see my art, they can tell it’s mine. I think I have a specific style and I really pour my heart into what I’m trying to say.

Do you work with any charities that you’ll be donating proceeds from the NFTs in this collection to?

I will be donating some of the money to cancer research, specifically a charity that was founded in my friend’s name. She passed away suddenly from leukemia. Cancer research, aid and treatment is incredibly important to me.

Do you have any goals or future plans for your art, in the NFT space or otherwise?

Absolutely, I always have plans going! I am excited to expand further into the NFT space and maybe even do some collaborations.

“I love creating surreal landscapes and combining time periods into images that feel nostalgic and familiar.”

Browse cult.class’ profile on NFT.

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Editor’s Note (Sept. 29, 2022): an earlier version of this article was originally published on Dec. 2, 2021 and has since been edited and/or updated.

